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What was she doing here?

Andrea was nursing a beer as she watched her flashy best friend, shirtless and dancing on top the bar table

Seth was an enigma, he was so flambouyant and lively and everything that Andrea wasn't. She sighed and then jumped slightly when Seth jumped down next to her

"C'mon Andi, have some fun," Seth slurred, wide smile plastered across his drunk face and Andrea frowned when he started pulling her

"Seth no, I'm not feeling well, please don't." She begged and Seth frowned

"Andi c'mon! Ever since you and that deadbeat broke up, you've been so mopey, I brought you here to have fun, can you not kill my mood?" Seth asked frowning and Andi sighed

"I'm going outside," she said and got up, Seth huffed before he gestured for another drink

Andi sighed as the cold wind blew through her dark hair, she looked at the moon and shook her head, she didn't mean to ruin Seth's fun but she really didn't wanna come out tonight and now she just wanted to leave.

"Andrea!" She heard and tensed as she heard the unforgettable voice of her ex and then he was in front of her, obviously drunk

"Hi baby," he breathed, stale vodka fanning her face and she winced

"Drew, I told you to stop following me," she said, remembering the blonde woman he was on top of a few days prior

"Not until you take me back," he said, looking into her eyes

"Drew, we talked about this, you cheated, there's no chance for us anymore," she tried again

"C'mon baby, you know we could have alot of fun together," Drew said, running his hands over her hips and she flinched backwards until her back hit the wall

He put his hands on her waist and moved closer, Drew leaned in and started pressing open-mouthed kisses to her neck and she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back

"Drew no." She said, feeling very comfortable

"Drew yes," he moaned, getting perverse pleasure from the way she was squirming

He leaned back in to bite at her neck and Andrea shook her head and tried backing away again but Drew had a tight grip on her hips, they were bruising

"Oh baby, you know you want me," Drew insisted

"Drew. I said fucking stop!" Andrea yelled and Drew growled

"Stop resisting me!" He said pushing her hard against the wall

Andrea yelled out in pain as her head bounced off the wall and she held it

"Now what do you have to say you stupid bitch?" Drew asked, raising his hand to backhand her, but Andrea couldn't speak, her head was swimming after the lash

"I believe the woman said no," a deep voice said as a big hand clapped Drew's shoulder

"Who the hell are you to be telling me what to do with my woman?" Drew asked him and the man smirked

"Who am I?" He replied rhetorically and then huffed a laugh

"I'm your worst fucking nightmare," the stranger said, punching him in the mouth and then he pushed Drew up against the wall and he got in his face

"I'll teach you to never disrespect a woman again," the man said through gritted teeth

"Hey, cool it brother," a man with shaggy blonde hair said as he came jogging around the corner with a bouncer and Seth

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