Chapter Three

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"Why did you bring so much shit? You are staying in a small ass dorm room."

I have been trying for the past hour to shove this damn dresser drawer closed. Lucas attempting to help by sitting casually on my freshly made bed.

"Will you shut up and help me with this? You are like fucking 6'2 and have muscles that could crush me. Get off your butt and help!" I say, starting to get frustrated.

"Ugh! Fine, move." He pushes me out of the way easily pushing the clothes down and closing the drawer in one swoop. "There, now can we go explore?"

I huff in frustration grumbling, I made it easy for you under my breath. He gives me a wink and sarcastic smile. "I need to wait for my roommate to get here so we can bond or whatever. You can go though. Maybe even unpack your own luggage."

"Okay, fine. But we will catch up for dinner maybe even hit up a back to school party." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"No. No parties. I need to prepare for the first day get all my shit organized."

"Kenny, it's the freaking weekend. What you need is to let loose! Get crazy!"

"Maybe. Now go get out of here." With that said I push is big build to the door and with a kick to his ass, I slam the door, leaning against it with a huff. Finally some peace and quiet.

I spend the next few hours organizing my books and things I will need for this next semester on my desk. Making sure it is nice and neat. Putting my teddy bear that my mother gave me when I was young on the corner of the bed. Even though the room is small, it has a pretty decent bathroom, with white counter tops and stainless steal shower head. The tub is big enough for me to take a bath. Maybe that's what how I will relax after dinner.

I hear a knock at the door. Opening it, I see a girl around my 5'2 height. She had a beautiful smile with perfectly straight teeth. Her blonde hair cascades down her back in perfect beachy waves. Her bright green eyes gliming at me. "You must be Kenny! I'm Aurora, but everyone calls me Rony!"

I awkwardly gawk at her perfection as I step out of the way to let her walk in our room. "I see you already chose the left side. I am so glad, because I strictly only sleep on the right sode of the room. Anyway!" She continues to her half of the room seeing it untouched by me. Setting the two suitcases she has. "I think we will have so much fun! Being roomies and all!" She starts unpacking her shit.

"Gee, you don't talk much do you?" She stops her actions to spin toward me with a grin plastered on her face. Her eyes twinkle in a questioning way.

I akwardly look away from her gaze. "You didn't really give me room to, uh, speak."

"Oh darn! I'm sorry. My mom always said I was chatty. She says, Rory you need to stop yappin' so much, men don't like a lippy woman." She makes her voice into a replica of what her mom sounds like.

"Rory is it?" She nods, "My name is Kenny, yes, you can call me Ken. Also, you should breath while you talk. Your face is pink." She starts laughing. How is this girl soo happy all the time.

"You're right!" She begins to breath deeply, calming her overly excited nerves. "Sorry, the last roommate I had, didn't really want to hang out at all. She said I was always anoying because I don't know when to shut up." She looks at me with a sad expression. I realized right then, that even though I don't know her that well, I still never want to see such a precious girl be sad.

"My brother Lucas talks a lot too. I don't mind it at all." I pat her arm. Her sad face disappears and her twinkly eyes, and permanent grin are back. "After you unpack, did you want to go have dinner with my brother and I?"

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