Chapter 3

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Ichiro,Alice,The Sachiko Sisters,Kimiko,and I were walking side by side. We were heading towards the place were we would fight the boss......I mean defeat the boss. Alice looked scared. But Ichiro and Kimiko looked confident,liked they've done this a thousand times. I got why Alice was scared though,she was probably a few years younger than the rest of us. When we arrived there Diabel slowly opened the large doors. It was dark,but then things started to get brighter. A huge monster with 4 HP bars appeared,over its head read Illfang the Kobold Lord. These smaller creatures around it appeared,they were called Ruin Kobold Sentinels. They started running to us.

"Commence Attack!" Diabel yelled.

Everybody ran forward. I ran to Sentinel,and slashed my sword at it. Then it disappeared. I turned around to see Alice struggling with a Sentinel. Ichiro went behind it and thrust his sword into its back. The boss stood in the middle of the room.

"Squad A! Squad C! Switch!" Diabel ordered.

Our group ran forward. Kimiko ran ahead to draw attention to her. Ichiro and I sneaked behind it.

"On 3!" He yelled.

I nodded. We started running to it.

"1.....2.....3!" Ichiro yelled.

We charged at it,thrusting our swords into its back. Its HP dropped one bar.

"Nice!" I said giving him a high-five.

"Squad C! Squad B! Switch!" Diabel yelled.

We switched out. Diabel continued to yell orders,and finally,the boss was on its last bar.

"Stand Back!" Diabel yelled.

"I'll go!" Diabel charged at the boss.

He took a stance in front of it. Then it pulled out a different sword.

"No!" Kimiko screamed.

Then the boss jumped onto the wall. When it jumped back onto the ground it slashed it sword at Diabel. Diabel cried out in pain.

"Diabel!" Kibaou yelled.

Kimiko ran to him. I turned back,we still had to defeat the boss. The Sachiko Sisters charged at it. They slashed their swords,and brought its HP down. 

"One attack should do it." Ichiro called to me.

I nodded. When I glanced behind me I saw Diabel disappeared in Kimiko's arms.

We charged at it. We both jumped up,and let our swords glide through its stomach.  

"Alice!" I yelled.

Alice understood,and she held out her sword and charged towards the boss. She jumped up,and her sword thrusted her sword into its back. As Alice landed roughly there was a bright light. Then the boss disappeared. It was silent for a moment.

The someone yelled,"We did it!" 

A huge Congratulations appeared in the room. Everybody started cheering.Alice got the last attack bonus. Alice ran to me smiling.

"Thank you!" She said,then pulled me into a hug. 

I couldn't help but smiling.

"Congratulations you two." Hitomi said smiling.

"Yeah." Ichiro said.

"You were awesome too,guys." I said.

"What about me?" Kimiko pouted.

"I was the best." Kimiko said proudly.

"Yeah right." Hiromi sighed.

We all gave each other high-fives.

Ichiro only had three rooms at his inn. I don't think he expected the Sachiko Sisters to stay with us. Kimiko took a room with Alice,The Sachiko Sisters shared a room,which left me with Ichiro.

"Goodnight Yumi." Ichiro said as we got into bed.

"Goodnight." I responded closing my eyes,I had a long day with fighting the boss and everything,so I was very tired.

I immediately drifted off into a deep sleep.

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