2 weeks before Christmas break

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Harry's POV
I woke up to pop come from the kitchen and Ron screaming so I ran down stairs and said Ron's what's wrong he said it's Hermione she was hurt I said why are you here then shouldn't you be with her he said she is asking for everyone even Gin she was attacked by a death eatter. I said Gin still has 2 weeks of classes he said headmaster McGonagall said she is sending her home now she should be here soon. We have to go Ron said.

Ron's pov
As soon as I got to Harry's he said what the bloody hell are you doing here at 5 in the morning mate. I told him my wife Hermione was in the hospital. I said she's asking for everyone Gin is coming home McGonagall said she will send her home. Then I heard another pop and turned around and saw my little sister  Ginny and she said Ron what's wrong with Hermione? I said we need to go she was atcked by a death eatter. Bloody hell can we go now my wife is in the hospital.

Ginny's POV
I woke up to headmaster McGonagall saying Ginny you have to go home your family is endangered I asked her what she was talking about? She said Ginny Hermione was hurt Ron was atacted but is ok Hermione is in the hospital now you must go. So I packed all my stuff and flewed to brow But no one was there. So I flewed to Harry's. I saw Ron and said what happened are you ok? He said I'm fine  my wife is not we need to go now. I said ok Ron we are right behind you.

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