That night 3 months ago

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Ginny's POV
I was on my way back to Gryffindor tower when a guy came out of nowhere and said Ginny Weasley girlfriend of harry Potter why don't you have a little fun I said I'd rather not? Then the guy grabbed me and said oh Ginny let's go to the broom closet. I was trying to tell but it was to late and the guy already had ripped everything off me and thew me on the ground. He rapped me. Now here I am 3 months later pregnant with a baby. That night one of the girls from ravenclaw found me laying on the ground with all my clothes riped up. She asked me what happened?
I told her I was rapped. She took me the Gryffindor tower after she found me some clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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