Chapter 21 - Silverstar

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Silverstar was back in PondClan territory, startled to find that the dreams hadn't stopped. She was still looking at the pond at this point, and she didn't know if her dream would let her choose not to go near it. Something felt wrong...

She soon got her answer, being slightly dragged towards the pond, the pull strengthening until she had the cling to the ground with her claws just so she could stay standing. She clung on for a few moments until she decided to give in to StarClan's wishes.

Silverstar was dragged into the water like before, but she only saw a flash of Dewstar's brown tabby pelt before she was alone again. Instead of being violently pulled into the forest, the water slowly faded into the trees as she watched.

The red cat, who she had assumed was Redstar, padded out of the forest as usual. She saw the she-cat bunch up her muscles to leap at her, her eyes completely black except for a small dot of bright yellow.

Silverstar prepared herself for the attack, but the she-cat didn't jump. Instead, She blinked a few times, raising a paw towards her forehead and sat down. Redstar looked at Silverstar, the darkness in her eyes fading as Silverstar relaxed her tense muscles.

The forest seemed to brighten up as Redstar smiled and dipped her head towards the silver she-cat in front of her, her fur smoothing. Now she seemed more like the stories described, the wise and caring cat who had built her own Clans from scratch.

Silverstar tried to force herself to say something, to get answers from this historic cat, but her jaws seemed glued together.

"You weren't supposed to get this vision." Redstar laughed a bit as she spoke. "It was for Dewstar...but you handled it well and prevented the event. If you see Dewstar, can you warn her about the first part of the vision?"

Silverstar nodded, still unable to speak. Redstar dipped her head towards her again, then melted into stars, which floated into the sky and spread across the forest.


Silverstar woke up with a start, the den around her spinning slightly. She was in the medicine den. She wondered for a moment why she was there, but then it all came back to her.

After blocking in the foxes, she had been traveling back to her territory with her Clan when she had suddenly appeared in PondClan territory. The start of her dream. She must have passed out and been brought to Berryfall.

Silverstar stood up, shaking her fur out, and tried to gage how long she had been asleep. Berryfall padded in after a moment, blinking sleepily.

"Oh, you're awake! Do you feel ok?"

Silverstar nodded, uncomfortably aware of the fact that she was now half blind. That was what had felt wrong in the dream! Her vision had been restored in the dream, and now that she had realized that, Silverstar wished, more than ever before, that she was asleep and dreaming in her den.

Berryfall looked at her strangely, then repeated his question, slower this time.

"Yeah, I'm fine...StarClan needed to talk to me." Berryfall's eyes widened slightly, but he seemed happy that she was ok none the less.

He turned to prepare some herbs and Silverstar slipped quietly out of the medicine den. As she walked, she noticed that one of her legs had a new scratch running down it. It had clearly already been treated by Berryfall, so she assumed that it would be ok to walk on.

After checking up on the Clan, Silverstar turned her attention back to her dream. What did she have to tell Dewstar? She tried to remember some more details from her vision, but it was already fading from her memory.

Was there a deadline for her talking to Dewstar? The pond had been bathed in moonlight, but she hadn't looked up at the stars enough to know if it was a full moon or not.

Her thoughts trailed off, turning to her blind eye. She could hunt and fight fine, but she would never see a cat sneaking up on her from her blind side. She would never-

Silverstar blinked. She was back at the pond. Her black tail fur spiked up in annoyance. Why couldn't StarClan just leave her alone for the day?!

Then she noticed the reflection on the ice. It was almost the full moon, just a couple days before the gathering. She sent a silent thanks to StarClan for the information, then appeared in her territory once again.

She looked at the sky, disappointed to find that it was no where near sundown. Silverstar would have no way of knowing when she had to talk to Dewstar until many hours later.

She busied herself with patrols and hunting, but she had already been out three times by sun high. Rain was slowly falling and Silverstar brought her freshly caught prey to her den.

The rain continued falling, growing in intensity until Silverstar grew worried about the safety of StoneClan's camp. Would the rain be enough to flood it?

Lightning flashed through the forest, strikingly bright against the pitch black skies. Silverstar let her thoughts wander as she gazed at her camp through a layer of rain.

She jerked her head up as Silverstar realized the skies had begun to clear. Her eyes lit up with surprise and she looked at the stars above her. How had so much time passed without her noticing?

She had to wait a moment for most ofthe clouds to move away from the sun, then flattened her ears. It was the full moon.

Silverstar felt a sudden flash of guilt, but shook it off. If StarClan had really needed her to warn Dewstar, they would have told her to earlier. Atleast, they should have.

Silverstar turned to walk back into her den, planning to warn Dewstar the next day.

Behind her, the remaining clouds cleared to reveal the moon, which was only a few claw lengths from being full

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