[Vol. 2] Chapter 17: The Battle of Fenhallow

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"I knew you didn't do well with the Dream and dreamforming, but I didn't realize it had gotten that bad."

Jacqueline stood by the door to Emery's room, holding up two dresses fresh from the store. She hadn't gotten around to unbagging either of them yet, having been interrupted by Emery explaining the latest roadblock in defeating Morrigan. She looked upset but not pitying, which was exactly what Emery had wanted and expected from Jacqueline.

"If you need a gateway, obviously I'm there," Jacqueline went on, her waxed eyebrows pressing together. "Screw what the State says. This is more important."

"I don't want to put you in the way of more danger," Emery said, leaning back against the wall. She sat on her bed, which in most dreamhunter rooms functioned more like a couch. "Last time was bad enough. I don't want to talk about it anymore, though—what'd you get? Tell me it's something good."

"You think I'd get you garbage?" Jacqueline snarled. "My taste is better than yours! You should be grateful to have my services." She hung one dress on the back of the chair while she unbagged the other, then hung that on the door and unbagged the first. "You pick one," she said, her voice and expression neutral again, "and I'll wear the other. I like them both."

Both dresses reached the floor. One was midnight blue, the bodice covered in intricate lace that glimmered with silver. The other was smoky lavender with vines of embroidery creeping up from the bottom of the skirt. Its colors shifting like a cloud as the material settled.

"I like the purple one," Emery said.

Jacqueline smiled happily and tossed it at her, holding the blue close to her chest. "You always go for halter tops."

The smoky dress settled cool and beautiful into Emery's arms. "How much do I owe you?"


"Jackie, come on."

"No. This is a gift from me to you. I've been saving up my stipend anyway; I'm glad Van der Gelt gave me something good to spend it on."

"You could have gone on a date with Veronica or something. Bought yourself some new office supplies."

"Ver's ideal date is sitting in her room watching old episodes of Unsolved Mysteries and eating potato chips. And I'm cutting back on my office supplies." Jacqueline re-bagged her dress and held an impatient hand out for Emery's. Smoke disappeared beneath plastic. "We're some of the only students who were even invited to this gala—I'm not going to show up looking like a slob, and I won't let you, either. Speaking of which—" Jacqueline set her hands on her hips. "What is up with you? Why are you being so...so soft?"

Emery screwed up her face. "I'm not being soft. When have I ever been soft?"

"You're moping. I know why. When I asked what was up, I was being nice and trying to give you space to vent. What I need to know is whether or not the Emery Ashworth I know is going to show up and kick her doppelgänger's ass, or if there's a new Emery now. If there's a new one, that's fine and I'll be friends with her, too. But if the one I know is struggling, I have to do something about it."

"You were stuck in a cell and on DreamLess and you've basically been held captive here your whole life, and you don't think you're a new Jacqueline?" Emery asked.

"No. I'm the same I've always been, just smarter and angrier. What are you?"

"Frustrated." Sad.

"That's not different at all," Jacqueline said. "There's just too many things to be frustrated at right now. You need to pick one. Your grandpa, the State, Edgar, your dreamforming issues, or Morrigan? Choose."

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