[Vol. 2] Chapter 19: Dancing

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The music began before anyone was out of their seats, and when they rose, they seemed reluctant to near the open floor around the atrium fountain. Emery, who didn't plan to wait for anything tonight, took Wes's hand and tugged him toward the frontmost table.

"What are we doing?" he asked, voice low and tight.

"Finding you a dance partner," Emery replied happily.

Wes stiffened and mumbled something that sounded like, "Not good at dancing," but allowed her to pull him along. They wound through tables and guests until Emery stood between Charles and Trevor van der Gelt, eye level with Trevor's pressed collar, as they spoke to Grandpa Al. Grandpa Al, unfortunately, noticed her first.

"Em," he said. "Charles, I'd like you to meet my granddaughter, Emery, and her hunting partner, Wesley Jager."

Charles extended a hand to her, and Trevor turned in surprise. The older Van der Gelt had a powerful handshake; Emery squeezed until she felt his hand flex. He shook Wes's hand next, and Wes did a great impression of a brick wall.

"Nice to meet you," Emery said, ignoring Trevor's gaze on her.

"And you," Charles replied. "Your grandfather has been telling us all about you. You're accomplished for your age."

"You shouldn't listen to Grandpa Al," Emery said, flicking an arch look at her grandfather. "He's been known to lie."

Grandpa Al gave her a tight-lipped smile in return.

Emery turned back to Trevor. "I was wondering if one of your younger siblings might be interested in a dance with Wes. I noticed them glancing our way during dinner." Wes gave a weak noise of unease, but no sooner had Trevor turned to look for the two younger Van der Gelts than they were flanking him. They were of a similar height, both freckled, both with chestnut hair and bright blue eyes. The girl appeared slightly older.

"James and Elizabeth," Trevor said by way of introduction. "Would the two of you please entertain Mr. Jager?"

"We'd love to," said James, getting that hungry look on his face Trevor sometimes wore.

"I'll go first," said Elizabeth, offering her hand. Wes took it with trepidation and cast a beseeching look back at Emery as he was pulled to dance. James trailed after them.

"Thank you," Emery said. "I couldn't leave him at the table alone while we danced."

Trevor got that hungry look then, too. Past him, some emotion flickered over Grandpa Al's face. Charles van der Gelt let out an uncertain chuckle.

"I didn't know the two of you knew each other," he said.

Trevor spared him a glance as he hooked his arm out for Emery. "We've been acquainted," he said, and he and Emery stepped away from the table together. On the other side, Jacqueline had her lips pursed to hold in laughter while Veronica struggled to pull her out to the dance floor.

"Did you notice?" Emery asked Trevor as they walked. "We match."

He spared a glance at her dress and his coat. "As the two best-looking people in the room, we'd match even if we hadn't worn the same color."

Emery preened. She knew it was both a compliment and a way to ingratiate himself with her, and she accepted it wholeheartedly. They swept to the floor. Trevor wasted no time circling one hand around her waist. They settled quickly into the sway of the music with the other couples.

"Explain something to me," Emery said. "Why did I think you were the CEO of Van der Gelt Industries?"

"Because I'm the one my father sends to speak to the press," he said. "I'm the one people see. I'm the one they know. It'll be a bad day for him when he realizes the power of a public persona."

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