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We see  a  man sleeping against a tree.He opens his eyes.It's a e/c color.He gets up and stretches.Y/N walks over to a lake and takes a piss.He walks towards buildings and  looks up.

Y/N:"What the fuck is Ozzi thinking"

He continues on and sits on a bench.He sees a group of people walking towards his direction.

One in a white combat skirt, another in a red dress, one dressed all in black, and one with yellow hair.

He tries to fake sleep.

"" Speaking

' ' Thinking

In bold is Action.

Y/N:'Why me'

He knew Ruby but he didn't know the rest.


Y/N Pov

'Fuck'I think."Just kill them" A voice said in my head.'No I can't just kill them.

Y/N:Pretends to wake up"What?"

Ruby:"Just wanted to say hi"


Snow Flake:"Don't mind her"

Y/N"Ok,  what do you four want."

Busty:"Hey handsome~

Y/N:'Where's my rape whistle'"Hi"

I get up only to get hugged by ruby.

Ruby:"This is yang, this is blake, and this is weiss. 

Y/N:Pulls out Cigarette"Okay, i'll be leaving then.

I leave and go home to my run down apartment.

'Home sweet home'.

I walk in and sit on the almost broken couch.I turn on tv surprised it worked because it only works sometimes.My black cat I named cupcake is adorable.She laid  on my lap.I pet her and she purrs.

                                                              3rd pov

Y/N laid down and tried to sleep only for someone to knock on his door.He sighed and groaned then got up and went to the door.When he opened the door he saw Ozzi. The girl he had a crush on.(Keyword used)He went to close the door only for it to be stopped.

Insane Male reader x RwbyWhere stories live. Discover now