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"Daddy, do I have to go? Can't I just live in the woods behind the house instead?"

"Honey you're still going to come back. Do you remember the story of how your mother and I met?"

The girl's lips kept quivering, but she fought through it. She had this strong feeling inside that she would never meet her father again, and that scared her too much. "Can you tell me the story again Daddy?"

The man smiled down at her and started the love story he knew by heart.

"A long time ago there was a man who lived an awfully boring life. He spent his days at work fixing bugs in software systems, and his nights sitting at home and watching TV. One day he was at work and his boss gave him a new bug to fix. When he sat down and tried to figure out what was happening, he was surprised to find that it was one of the most complicated bugs he had ever seen. After working for days on end, he finally felt like he had a solution but when he tried to fix it his computer screen started to glow and with a flash he was somewhere else."

Already knowing the answer the girl asked in a meek voice, "Where did he go?"

The man grew a far away look in his eyes. "Where he was didn't seem like anywhere on Earth. There was a beach, but all of the colors were brighter - like they were all LED lights. As confused as the man was, he was curious too. He walked into the woods next to the beach and heard a voice singing. At first, he was convinced that he was losing his mind, but soon he saw the most beautiful woman walking towards him." The girl smiled when she saw the look of pure love her father had on his face. "When the woman saw him she stopped singing, and just stared back at him in shock. After a minute they started talking and she invited him to eat at her house. Over the course of the next several days the two of them grew to love each other. One day the man finally told her that he loved her and as he was waiting for her response, the bright light that brought him there flashed again."

"He had to leave her?!" The little girl asked in a fake distressed voice.

"You have to be patient honey... When the man opened his eyes he saw that he was back in this little cubicle at work, but standing right next to him was the same beautiful woman. The two of them got married and lived happily ever after."

"But Daddy you never tell my why she was at that island." the girl whined.

The man stared at her for a minute and seemed to make up his mind that it was time to tell her the key part of the story that he and his wife had kept from her since she was born. Taking a deep breath he told her what would affect the rest of her life. "The woman's ancestor was cursed to be on that island until she found her true love back when the Gods still held power. Ever since then the daughter of every generation is cursed to live there once they turn 15." After he said this, the man's eyes started to mist. It physically pained him to watch his daughter go, especially since his beautiful wife had just left him to go to heaven two months ago. "Darling, that woman was your mother, and that is where you are going to go now. Just remember that many men will come for you, but only one will be the curse breaker."
Hey guys this is the first update! I'm literally jumping in my seat right now. I'm gonna cut right to the chase: I update once a week and depending on how much you guys comment I might up it to twice a week. Now get ready for where this story takes you!

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