Chapter 1

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My friends and I were all going to a little remote cabin in the woods

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My friends and I were all going to a little remote cabin in the woods. We did this every holiday. We met each other in college. Now a few of our friends were in a rock band called "Wham!" and we did not see them as often as we used to. So, we always get together during Christmas. All of our families were busy or overseas. We were each other's family really.

I had been into two of the men in the group. One named George Michael. And another man called Robert Malone. I was in between the men for some time. My heart had been conflicted on who was the perfect man for me. And I lost the one that was meant for me.

I hurt him last Christmas we had saw each other. George. I hoped on this trip that George was going to be joining us. But I doubted it. Because he was a lead singer for the group Wham. He had been busy on MTV and concerts around the world.

Why would he come for Christmas with our little group? I had a feeling I was never going to get another chance with George again. I lost him forever. He was unreachable now. He ignored my calls. He wanted nothing to do with me. I should give up really. But my heart just could not let him go. He was one of a kind.

He was the sexiest guy I had ever laid eyes on. I would never find another like him as long as I lived. I blew it. Soon we all came up to a little cart that was going to carry us to the mountains.

And take us to the little cabin in the woods we all loved to be at. I had come along with Robert. But I made myself clear to him we were only friends. And nothing more was going to happen on this trip with us.

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"I wonder if he will show up" whispers my friend Colleen.

"He is not going to join our silly little group. He is a rock star now" I whisper back.

"Maybe he will. Maybe you will have a chance with him after all" she mentions.

I hear excitement suddenly.

"George man! You came!"

"George old boy! You made it!"

He showed up!

My heart sticks in my throat. Robert comes over to my side. He was already showing he was a little jealous. He knew my heart was stuck on George. Robert wanted me to be with him. I was not feeling the same way as he wanted me to.

I finally allow myself to glance over where all the commotion was at. He was indeed here.


He was gorgeous looking as always. His long hair hung, draped by his eye. Our eyes meet. Electricity shoots in me. Those once warm kind green eyes glare over at me then ice over. Looking the other way. He places an arm around a beautiful blond-haired woman that had come with him. My heart sinks. He was with someone. He came with a girl.

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"Never mind. I get it. He is clearly over me" I tell Colleen.

"Just talk to him. You two really cared for each other" argues Colleen.

"Drop it. Just drop it" I sigh. "It is over"

We all gather on the cart. Robert sits next to me. George and that blond bombshell was seated across from me. Everyone was talking to George. They were all happy he showed up. My heart was not now. I lost him. The one true love of my life. My chance was gone.

"Are you alright Mia?" Robert whispers to me.

"I will be fine" I sigh. "I knew he was already over me"

"Maybe now you can focus on us" mentions Robert hopefully.

I moan. "Robert, listen okay? We are never going to happen" I whisper back.

"Never say never" he jokes playfully.

Later we all get settled into the cabin. I was sharing a room with Collen. I was not going to share a room with Robert. I saw that George was not sharing a room with the blond bombshell.

I wondered why. We were all going to get a tree for the cabin. And have a nice dinner. Sing Christmas carols. And tomorrow we were going to go skiing.

It was going to be a blast. Maybe at sometimes I could at least talk to George. He was making sure I did not get the chance to be alone with him. I begin to unpack my things in the room with Colleen.

I brought a brooch that George had gifted to me last Christmas. Maybe if I wore it, he would see I kept it. And I cared. After he gave that to me, he confessed he loved me. That he knew I was with Robert. But he had feelings for me.

We used to be close. Once. Long ago. We were best friends. We shared everything together. Now we were nothing more than strangers. Tears come to me. I pick the brooch up in the box. I wish he still loved me. I would give anything to be free from this pain I was enduring. Tears fall. I take a deep breath and brush them back.

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"Snowball fight!" someone calls out. "Get outside!" they hoot.

We all get coats on. Then scramble outside. We begin forming teams. Then making snowballs as fast as we can go. Throwing them and laughing. Like old times. No one had gotten me yet. Then blam! One hits me in the back of the head. I glance over. There was George throwing them at me with a goofy kid like smile on his handsome face.

"Oh, you are going to get it" I giggle.

I scramble and get a snowball. We throw them at one another. Chasing each other all about like kids. Giggling and laughing all the way. I get to close then lose my cool.

I slide falling on the ice. He falls to the ground. I land on top of him. Our laughter dies down. My curly dark hair is all wet now. Our eyes meet. His beautiful eyes look into mine. I could not breath. Or move another inch.

"You alright Mia?" he asks me.

I nod.

Then he gets up and helps me up. Then he takes off. Goofing around with the others. It was almost like old times just then. At least he still remembered my name. That was a good thing, right? 

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