chapter 6

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Natsu's p.o.v

After the vine had well wrapped around me like a collar I felt kinda bad because she didn't have a choice but to follow so as we were going to my house I looked back every now and then.

I noticed that she was limping and the bandages I have put on we're now stained with blood I didn't notice the blood until after the third time when I looked at her and ran into a tree it was after that incident that I saw the blood it was spreading that I could tell and now she was limping more than she was earlier.

"I'm tired "Asuka complained after half an hour later

Looking at the she wolf I notice she was kinda looking at me and she was kinda holding up her left paw not putting any weight on it.

Sitting down I was thinking about how we were going to get the she-wolf to well one thing rest and another trust us or at least not run from us, that's when I heard Happy call my name

"Natsu"Happy called

"Down here Happy "I called out to him he came down from above the tree

"Natsu where have you been"Happy kinda whined

"Everywhere"i replied with a laugh

"You left me behind "Happy pouted while he say by Asuka

"Well I thought you where behind "I replied back he didn't answer me just stood looking beside or should I say behind me

Random p.o.v (she wolf)

The flame wolf was sitting down talking to the cat? With wings still watching the male werewolf I started to put all my weight on the side that didn't hurt like thorns, laying down not putting any weight on my left shoulder.

I knew that we would go shooting when the little girl was ready to go or until the mail was ready, that's when I heard a noise I also heard the wolf tell the cat like thing to take Asuka too Gray. Right after the flame wolf said that I took off running forgetting about the  vine that connected us as I ran I ignored the pain in my shoulder looking ahead I saw the deer that I had scented.

I then remember the flame color wolf turning around I kinda felt bad until I hit the tree that came out of nowhere shaking my head I turn to look at the male who had hit a tree too.

Turning to look where the deer had been to find  that it was now gone looking back at the male I couldn't help but stare   from that run their were twigs  now sticking out of his fur  mostly on top of his head, my first thought was how could someone have so many sticks on them.

He shook them out and started to walk toward me I took a step back with my ears back I had stopped behind the tree looking at the flame colored wolf, I noticed he had stepped back a little and that he looked a little sad but with his head tilted a little to the side like he was confused.

He then got up and looked back at me then continue to walk once the vine  tightened a little that's when I begin tofollow now regretting trying to catch that deer.

Natsu's p.o.v.

We were now walking to my house again I was still confused as she wolf remind me of Rayn thinking about her make me sad. That made me think of the last time I saw her.


"Natsu I'm going on a mission"Rayn called out

"Aww can I come"i whined

"Not on this one I'm sorry"Rayn replied

"Aww come on Rayn let us come " I whined again

"Aye"young Happy agreed

"I'm sorry this missions and ss class mission"she tried to explain to me

"Maybe when I get back we can go on a mission together"Rayna replied with a sweet smile

"Really Rayn"I asked with a tilt of my head

"Ya flame I promise maybe even an s class one"she smiled and laughed a little looking back up at the sky

We were on a small hill surrounded by flowers and plants and trees that she had been taking care of lot of them she grew with her magic we just stared at the sky watching the sunset

"Hey Natsu when I'm gone can you come up here and water the plants and everything for me?" Rayn asked

"Sure how long are you going to be gone anyway?"i asked curious

"By the time Mira and them leave and come back. The same time i think"she recalled

"Ok" I replied with a big smile

"O and Natsu watch out for the new flowers"she told me

"What flowers?i asked wondering what new type of flowers she grew

"It's a new type of flowers I made"she smiled

"Where and what type are they?"I asked

"Think of it as a gift from me to you and as for finding them just look around are spots"she smiled

"Do they bite"I asked

"Don't know and don't let them"she smiled

"That's not funny well what color are they?"I asked

"Red and white and you still have to water them"she answered

"So I have to water the ones that bite ?"I asked

"The vine snakes or the programs flowers?"she asked

"The praney flower"I groaned

"No just feed them fish or bugs they by the house now and im taking the two vine snakes with me like always she explained

"Thank wolf for that"i muttered

"We does cute little vines scare you Natsu"she giggled

"No but I swear they find it funny to camaflage  and then trip me "i groaned

"They only camaflage as a vine "she replied while still laughing

"It's like an illusion almost except there stronger then vines "i grumbled

"Thank you Natsu "she replied giving me a smile and started to pet the two vine snakes she Carry's around blushing a little

"Your welcome Rayn"I answered blushing to a little

~time slip to Lisanna's death~

"What happened"I bursted into the guild

No one would look at me they all had looked like they were crying I found mira and elfman crying in the corner i found out that Lisanna had died before I could progress what was happening Mira told me that Master wanted to see me  bursting in the look he stopped me in my tracks

~end of flashback~

Author "hey guys hope you like this chap I almost fell asleep trying to type it well I'll try to update soon byeee"

Author*falls asleep zzzzz*

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