Hero killer pt. 2/ 15

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(Y/n)'s pov
I opened the door. "Sit." I hear a stern cold voice and promptly sit on the floor. The huge hidden figure comes out and looks down upon me "you, you will be a key to shoto's work ethic." Endeavour right in front of me, I don't speak since I dare not to provoke the aura he's glowing on. "We will train your power today. Specifically the dark side of you, since I heard you still have trouble controlling it. After the session, we will have a brief talk about tomorrow morning." I was bemused "you will battle against Shoto instead of taking another class." I nodded, he told me to sit up, "now get ready for today session" he smirked.

Half way through the class, I was on the floor panting, trying every inch of my body to get up. "Get up! Now!" He growls, I gained my energy and do what he said. I attacked him, but with only my dark side but since I was slow my launch at him was obvious so he jammed me straight to the ground. I huffed and got up again. "Use your shadow power as a distance attack!" He commanded, the tired look on my face softened as I didn't want to do it. "(Y/n)!" I shook my head and started running backwards. I used my shadow quirk and shot at him.

He used his fire as a shield and told me to keep going. I did but soon the shadow quirk started to spread around my arm, as if it was swallowing me whole. I wanted to stop but if I did, Endeavor would get mad at me. "Use more power!" He stated, I wide eyed him. But I did. I looked at my arm that I was using and it was all dark and purple. Black smoke was coming out of it and soon it was reaching my shoulder.

I started to feel nauseous and weak. I couldn't keep this up, all the combat we did earlier really drained my energy. All the hits that I've taken were far worse. I was taking puches from a pro, come on. Every second, I can feel myself losing myself. As if I was going to black out. The shadow quirk is taking over me and I don't know if it's done that before. The least I could say is, I have now memory of me losing control of my quirk.

My body was about to quit from this raging energy that was coming from my dark side. Luckily, Endeavor called it quits and I go down on my knees desperately trying to catch my breath and trying to have a clear vision. He approaches me ¨were done here. Now, let me cut to the chase. You will not hold anything back on Shoto tomorrow. If I see you hesitating, even for a second, we will have another private session and I will let you pass out.¨ he walks passed me and goes straight to the exit. I regain my senses and stood up, ¨I just want to see my son achieve.¨ he then disappears out of my presence.

Don't hold anything back... But this feels different than a typical school battle. I grab my water bottle and towel, I sighed and exit the room. Slumped by the training of the second ranked hero. Why couldn't dad let me stay with him, the least he could do is send me to Fairy tail, they wanted me as well. I dragged my feet across the wooden floor, I'm ready to just take a nice warm shower, eat and go to straight to bed. I don't want anybody disturbing me.

The next morning, I was awoken by the alarm set for today. I groaned, I stretched and uncovered the white sheets from my body. I head straight to the bathroom, today is the day. I change to my hero suit and go get breakfast, "Morning..." Shoto crept up. I jumped a little and squealed "oh morning shoto." I turned to face him. I wasn't in the right headspace to face him knowing I will have to battle him in about three hours, "I'm just telling you this now because were battling later. But you have to know that I'm doing this for myself. I'm not doing it for your father or for you." I step back, "I know it sounds a bit cruel but this is how I feel." I bit my lip and avoided his gaze. He chuckled and I landed my eyes straight to his. He smiled and my god, it was small but it sure was a glistening smile. "Alright, (y/n), I'll do my best as well." He grabs his tea and walks off. I blinked and processed what happened, man he smiled.

    And so the hours passed by and it was time. We met at the patio which was in the center of the building. I was on the other side of the battle field while he was on the opposite side. I bowed showing a sign of respect. I knew this fight was friendly but my father always told me to respect others before and after a match. Well, unless if they are a bad of course.
Regardless, the battle began and I charged at shouto. He made a step which cause a shards of ice to come at me but I turned into a shadow in dipped under the ground. I went behind shouto and kicked him. He grunted and turned and managed to block my other kick. I threw a punch at him but he grabbed my wrist and spun me to the ground. I used my shadow quirk again and slipped through the cracks. I noticed shouto being alerted so no surprising him would be effective. I jumped out but he used his ice on me and froze me shut in there. As if I was in a snow globe. I used my light quirk to break the ice and I started to feel tired from all this hustle. Once the ice broke I quickly charged at shouto and there many punches. We were having a comeback battle, he managed to cut my face and so did I. As we kept battling it out, we were both getting tired.
We kept battling and battling none of us refusing to give in. I didn't want to be seen as someone who just gives up easily. As throwing our last punches I used my light quirk and he used his fire quirk and immediately regret it. He stopped and I struck him. He collapsed and I was shocked. I felt bad immediately and ran up to him but his dad coughed which signalled me to not help his aid. I look down at the ground and felt guilty for not helping a friend.
"(Y/n) go rest. We're going to patrol the city later, you earned it." He said and walked up to shouto and picked him up. I wide eyed and nodded. I walked away with a saddened expression. I felt extremely bad. I hope he knows I didn't mean to.

Later that night we went out to patrol, Shouto and I were in the back of the heroes. We kept strolling around looking around to see if there was any trouble around.
"Neh Shoto..." I gulped grabbing my hands together
"Hmm" he hummed in response.
"I-I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to" I shut my eyes feeling super guilty. It was as if I stole his spotlight to prove to his father that he is strong. I heard him sigh "you really shouldn't be sorry" he grabbed my hand and it caused me to turn to him. My heart jumped once I saw his adorable smile. He made me feel okay, knowing he really meant it. Our phones buzzed and he grabbed his phone and so did I.
"Oh no.." I say
"We have to go, I feel like this is something important" Shouto's expression hardened
"I don't have a good feeling but let's go to Midoriya" I say and we both nodded
"Wait what about your father?" I grabbed his wrist stopping him from going any further.
"It's fine, let's just go" he said and this time he grabbed my wrist and we both ran to Midoriya's dropped location.

Haha surprise!!
Today is Kenma and Kirishima day so I thought maybe I should publish this as a birthday special.
As of now I'm in the works of doing a Haikyuu x reader fanfic and a short 2seok au! But Only this time I will be posting these when they are completed. So stay tuned!!
You can guess which haikyuu member will it be.
- Dino 💛

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