Chapter Three

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Gotham was cold tonight. Nothing new. Gotham is almost always cold.  But, Damian felt a different kind of chill running through his body. Unadulterated anger. It hadn't taken him long to get to Gotham. His father had hidden jets at safe houses all over the country. Damian learned the location of all of them after he hacked the Bat Computer the first week he lived with Bruce. After landing in Gotham, Damian headed to where it all began.

Five years ago, Damian was patrolling with Batman as usual. The night was quiet and no one seemed to be outside. Damian was annoyed with the lack of action and wanted to find somewhere where his talents could be utilized. Damian was mid complaint when Batman got a red alert. Uncharacteristically panicked, leaping to his feet. Red alerts meant someone in the family was in trouble.

"Batman, it's Spoiler. I'm out unnumbered. Drones. It's Deathstro-" Stephanie cut out of the call.

"Damn it.  Alfred come in. Location of Spoiler. Now." Batman said urgently. Damian had seen his Father stare down the Joker, take blows from Bane, but never had he seen him so... scared. Damian understood his panic, though. Although he had never faced Deathstroke, he heard stories from Dick. Stories of death and destruction. He soon shared his father's panic to get to Stephanie. 

He hadn't been with the family long, but Stephanie had already become a friend to him.  She had taken him under her wing.  Whenever Tim or Dick would tease Damian for being so... Damian-ish, she would step in.  Not only was she kind, she was also fierce warrior.  Someone Damian had respected.  But, if Stephanie was outnumbered and against Deathstroke, she couldn't hold out for long.  After getting the location from Alfred, son and father leapt from the building prepared to defend their own.

Stephanie's location pointed to her being in a church. The building was tall and it was dark. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Robin, stay with me. Don't get separated." Batman said.

Damian listened, following close behind Batman. Inside of the Church was pure chaos, debris and wood everywhere. It was obvious a fight had erupted. 

Suddenly, gunshots cracked towards the duo. Batman and Robin leapt out of the way, taking cover behind debris. Damian took in his surroundings. Stephanie said there were drones so that's probably what shot at them. He rolled away from the debris, landing two well aimed batarangs at two drones. This stopped the shooting long enough for Batman to incapacitate the remaining three. The two ran towards the main part of the church where they saw Stephanie tied up and obviously badly wounded. She was half unconscious and blood was everywhere.

"Batman, nice to see you. Look who I found wandering around. You need to take better care of your kids." Deathstroke spat, his words icy. He kicked Stephanie, leading Batman and Robin to charge at him.

"Not so fast," Deathstroke said, pulling out a gun and aiming it at Stephanie's head.  Damian met eyes with her.  She was fierce, but just for a split second, Damian could see a glimpse of fear in her eyes.  Damian clenched his fists, looking for an opening to get to her.

"This isn't your style. You're a hired assassin. What do you want with her?" Batman said hoarsely.

"You're a popular person not just around here. Tales of the elusive Batman travel far and wide. Always winning, never wrong, and only one weakness. Your family. Powerful people are willing to pay to see you suffer. You see Batman, I am on a job and this is me executing it."

Batman knew where this was going, he grabbed a batarang as he leapt over debris just as a gunshot rang throughout the church. Batman fell to his knees. Letting out a grunt of agony Damian never heard any human make. Stephanie was killed in front of their eyes. Damian didn't have time to freeze. He ran towards the killer who was already making his escape. Using his grappling hook, he shot through Deathstroke's shoulder bringing him down hard. He wasted no time grabbing his katana and holding it to Deathstroke's neck, pushing down hard enough that beads of blood formed under the pressure.

"A little more violent than what Batman allows, kid. I like it." Deathstroke choked out, simultaneously kicking Damian off of him with a strong blow.

"You're gonna die for what you did." Damian yelled swinging his katana, just to be blocked by Deathstroke. With one last blow, Deathstroke pinned him down.

"You're skilled. Have a feeling you're not the hero type either. We'll keep in touch kid. It was a pleasure," Deathsroke said as he ignited a smoke bomb and disappeared into the darkness. 

Damian knew it would be ineffective to chase after him. His father needed him now.  Damian walked towards Batman who was holding Stephanie. She was lifeless, but Batman still held her so carefully as if he was afraid she would break. 

Damian remembered back to when he first met her.  Her power and confidence flooded the room.  She was so alive, and now her life was ripped away.  Damian hesitated as he put a hand on his father's shoulder. Silent in their mourning as they grieved their fallen comrade.

Damian never forgot that night. The death in the family mixed with the enormous sadness he saw in his father changed him. Deathstroke was evil, and after what he did to Raven, Damian was going to stop him for good. He stepped into the church without hesitation, having a feeling Deathstroke would be alone. He was right. Damian tightened his grip on his sword as he prepared to win a battle he should have won five years ago.

Hey guys! I know this chapter is short  and unrelated to Damirae but I wanted to create some background to the plot.  I promise you'll be getting LOTS of Damirae soon.  :)  Also thank you to everyone who's reading.  I'll update very soon.


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