#Chapter 9 - A Visit From Obsidian Industries

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"So... She is you... You are her, I don't fully understand how she's able to appear like that, I thought this was all just a legend of some sort."

"Well... Apparently not, Logan. Ever since I got my powers, I knew that it was inevitable, I couldn't run from the fact that I am Twilight."

"No Sarah! You're not like her! You don't hurt people and trash their homes."

"Face it Logan. "

" No! Sarah. I can't. "
"I've got to tell mom and dad about this. We have to tell them about everything! I hate having to keep such a secret from them.

We agreed and went downstairs to where mom and dad were sitting.

" Sarah! Hi! You look much better now. " Mom says with a smile on her face.
"There's something you need to know... It's about when the took me."
"Oh! What exactly happened? " Dad asks.
"Well... Me and Toni had an argument. That's where I was actually headed. Then all of a sudden this masked girl and a guy comes up to me, claiming that I have what's theirs, I just walked away, but then the girl blasts me with her powers, tied me up, created a portal and we arrived by this place full of Mutants and I was placed in a chair. I got angry... more scared than anything else, but anger took over and then I blacked out. Woke up when I saw you guys. Even though I was unconscious, I had bits and pieces of a vividly realistic dream of me being Twilight. But that's all I remember. "

"... Thats a lot to take in." Dad says.  "I didn't even know you had powers to begin with."

"I don't suppose you have it too Logan...?"
"Yes dad, I do. Same like Sarah's but mine is blue. "

I demonstrated. I put my hands together, slowly released them to create a huge blue energy ball. Their eyes were wide.

"That's basically all I can do, besides creating an energy wave that I can't even control yet."

"That's...wow..." mom said, barely getting her words.
Mom was intrigued by this, she had a shocking look on her face, almost like... why me, why us? Why did we have to get these Mutant abilities?

"So you guys are Mutants now, that's just great!" She said before giving a sarcastic laugh and then left the living room. What was that about?

"Wh...What was that about?" I asked.
"Don't worry about mom, she still shaken up about what happened to Sarah and, the fact that you guys are Mutants now. "

" Now how do you feel about us being these things?" Paxton asked.

"First of all, you guys are not Things, just extraordinary people that can use their full brain capacity. And secondly, me and your mom don't hate you, we love you! This is a part of you now so we have to except it, although it does change things. "

"Thanks dad, that's what I needed to hear." Sarah said.
"What do you mean by, it changes things now?"

"It changes your entire lives... School... Home... Friends. Also... you should have training. "

" What? Really? " Paxton said with a huge smile on my face. Of course, I was excited by this too, and so was Sarah.

" Yes. You'll need to learn how to control them, or they'll control you. " He giggled a little, not knowing how Sarah felt about that.
"Oh, Sorry Sarah... I didn't mean it like that..."

"No, no. It's okay, I know what you mean. " She responded. Mom comes downstairs, looking furious.

"Tom, are you crazy? You can't train them?"
"Why not? They have powers and it seems like a good idea, Cecelia."

"No! " She respondeds. Wonder why she's like this...

Not long after that, we heard a knock on the door.

*knock knock knock*
Wonder who that could be... Dad goes towards the door, opens up to see three men and two women, dressed what looks army people.

"Good day sir." A man greeted. He was tall, short light brown hair and eyes. He had a gun in his hand. They all did. Paxton was getting scared as she was hiding behind mom.

"Good day. What can I do for you? " Dad asks in a confusing way.
" I'm with Obsidian Industries, you know... The genetically...
"Yes, I'm familiar with that, but what do you want?" He slightly raises his voice.

"There was a power outage and we tracked the source to this house, you're kids...they are Mutants and we need to take them! "

" Excuse me? Take my kids? I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to do that!"

"As part of Obsidian... "

" I don't care! You have no right to come to my house, wanting to take my kids like that! "

" Well then, you leave me now choice. " He said in a calm voice, like everything is normal.

"No! Leave us alone!"  Paxton comes out of hiding, jumps in front of dad...

She screams at the top of her voice, creating light glowing rings of visible sound waves. It blasts all of them, flying back.

"PAXTON!?" Mom shouts.

"We have to go! NOW!! " Dad demands.
" What?"
"Yes Cecilia! They will not stop until they take our kids! Come everyone! We have to leave. Go through the back door!" We all hurried to the back door as fast as we could, but two men caught up with us. All of a sudden Sarah stops behind us, as did the men. She was focusing, really hard. Standing a couple inches away from her, I could actually feel how calm she is. All of a sudden her arms start to glow a bright pink, releasing her hands create an energy blast. Those two me flew back.

"Wow! Sarah! " I said
" Come let's go, that should hold them off!"

We all hurried to the car.

"Mom, dad, but what about Xavier and the others? They have powers too. What about Chester, Charlie...! We can't leave, we must fight back! "

" "No, Logan, you don't understand. They're after us and the won't stop until they get what they want, no matter the circumstances. "

I agreed and got into the car. I didn't want to. I couldn't just leave them behind, they're like family.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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