~Chapter 4~

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I want to say a quick thank you for all the reads and support! <3

After Chat Blanc lifted her up he wasn't sure where to go. He needed a remote  place to keep her safe from his dad. Now he was thinking about it, where could he take her? Not only his dad was after them, the police and all of their friends would go after them. He wasn't even going to consider the possibility of sharing her with anyone else. No one was worthy.

His usual safe place was a rooftop but that wasn't an option because of the possible search helicopters. He needed something like an old abandoned building. But where could he find one?

Marinette's p.o.v

Black, everything was black. I could hear muffled noises somewhere but I just felt like they weren't important enough to figure out what they were. Suddenly I felt something else. It was hard but cold. Shivers ran down my whole body starting at my wrists and going down all the way down to my feet.

Suddenly I started slipping back into reality. I still couldn't see but I heard breathing. I started to feel my body again and tried opening my eyes. At first my vision was blurry but soon my eyes starter focussing.

"Nngh" my head hurt a lot and I didnt know where I was. I glanced around the dark room and my eyes started getting used to the darkness. I was in a relatively small room. I saw drawers and burned school supplies scatterd on the floor.

Marinette's eyes grew wide as she realised where she was. She tried moving but when she attempted to sit up, she got pulled down again by ropes around her wrist.

"W-what? How did I get in here?"

Chat's p.o.v.

Chat who had been standing in a dark corner of the room emerged from the shadows and moved closer to Marinette. He knew she deserved more than this but until he found a more suitable space, the school should be a good spot because  no one would enter the building for at least another week.

"Purrincess~" He slowly said. He moved closer to her and hovered over her. He let his hand slide over her cheek and curiously looked at her face. He felt numb and like no one could ever hurt him anymore. But she on the otherhand....she, she was bustling with emotion. Her body told it all to him.

She was shivering and her eyes were widened. He saw her heart was beating faster and her breath was shaky. He wondered what it could be. Was she cold? Scared? Both? He didn't know.

"Don't worry purrincess~ I will find a place worthy of you, but for now, we'll just have to make do with what we have." 

He sat down next to her and started combing her enchanting blue hair with his hand. He moved his head closer to hers and whispered in her ear.

"Ill warm you up~"

Marinette's p.o.v.

As he said that a shiver went down her spine. She couldn't move and felt confused. At this moment there was no one she both trusted more or less than chat. He had been akumatised but yet he didn't seem interrested in simply taking her miraculous.

"Chat....please..let me go" She softly whispered as she felt his hand go through her hair. "Let me go and I'll help you."

Chat's p.o.v.

She wanted to leave? Did she not want to be with me? Am I no longer of interrest to her now I'm chat blanc!?

With dull eyes he looked at her thinking of what to say next. He tilted his head slightly and took her body in once again. He moved to her ear once again, letting his claw softly slide over her arm and sais with a cold voice:

"Im sorry, but you are mine. I will never let you go and if you truely want to help me you will do as I say and never leave me. Ever. Next time you ask me to let you go I won't be so nice"

He moved down to her neck and softly blew some air. He saw her body react. That was thing he like to see more than anything else. Control. Over his own life he had none but over Marinette...

He knew he needed to get something better for her. And stood up. He headed for the exit when he stood at the doorframe he said.

"I'll be back soon my lady"

He ignored her please and her calling his name. She was shouting but he knew it had no use.

Marinette's p.o.v.


She had been screaming for a while now but there was no response. She was trying to break free from the chains. But with no succes. When she gave up on pulling the chains she felt exhausted. Chat was still in there, she knew it, she just had to reach him. But how? And where could his akuma be hiding? He had taken her miraculous as a precaution. She could see it just lying on a shelf a few meters away from her.

After waiting and staring at the ceiling for a while she fell asleep again. Her face had a neutral look on it. Even though she was tied up she lay quite gracefuly with the only flaw being a stroke of hair partially covering her face.

I am going to post multiple updates per week now. I am really sorry for the wait and I am so grateful for the support  maybe Ill post the next update in a few hours it will contain sin so be prepared <3

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