Homicide Dectective Selma Köchlin was a woman on a mission, a mission to find her mother's killer. After five years she was going to finally get her answers and put a bullet through the head of the man who took her mother away from her.
She left he...
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"G'day ladies." Chelsea sang as she appeared by our table and took a seat next to Milly. "Sorry I'm late."
"Oh we know you." Milly waved her sister-in-law off as she cut into her buckweat pancake with a fork and knife then slipped a piece of the cake inside her mouth.
"Wha' was that supposed to mean?" She asked in her posh Aussie accent.
I snickered.
"Nothing." Milly mumbled.
"Wha I miss?" Chels questioned, as she flipped her bright golden locks.
"We just finished discussing what Milly should get Lo for his birthday." I responded.
She turned in her seat so that she was facing Milly. "So, what ya gettin him?"
"You know your brother's a coffee snob so I'm getting him his own coffee machine for his office at Animation X." Milly informed her.
"That's a noice prezzy." Chels approved with a smile.
"It was my idea." I chimed in, then ate a spoonful of my granola, savoring the taste of the tangy Greek yogurt and the sweet fresh berries.
Milly sent one of her sunshiny smiles my way, "What would I do without you."
Before anyone of us could speak, the ginger-haired waiter who had served us earlier showed up at our table.
"Hello, I'll be your waiter today." He spoke to Chels. "Can I start you off with something to drink?"
"Yha. I'll have a carmel cappuccino." Chels responded.
"O-Ok..." The kid stuttered, a tint of red stained his pale cheeks and he bowed his head to scribble down Chels order.
Chelsea's accent always made people swoon over her.
He looked back up. "Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?"
"I'm ready. I'll have the chook sausage scramble." She answered.
"Chook?" The poor kid looked so confused.
"Chicken." I clarified. "She'll have the chicken scramble."
"Oh." He muttered, his neck turning red in embarrassment no doubt. "W-will you like the tomatoes fried…or grilled?"
Chels who could see the boy was having a hard time, said in the best American accent she could master, "Grilled please."