Chapter 4

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Later that night, I found myself sharing drinks at Warwick with my brothers

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Later that night, I found myself sharing drinks at Warwick with my brothers. Part rustic cocktail lounge, part Hollywood club, Warwick was a warehouse of exposed brick, fireplaces, and unfinished ceilings. It was a typical Hollywood club, but it had a rough, indie feel, and vastly upgraded  alcoholic options to seasonal craft cocktails made with better booze and quality ingredients.

The club was packed full with local scenesters, trust fund babies and Los Angeles’ elites. It was the night-time playground of the rich and the famous. We reserved a table at the dance floor side of the club and had our own personal cocktail attendant to make us drinks throughout the night.

"Bro, that chick over there has had her eyes on you from the minute you walked in." Andy angled his head in the direction of the dance floor.

I looked over to see who he was talking about. 

Looking like she was in her early-twenties, the woman had blonde, long hair that was pulled back revealing a round, wild face. Bright green eyes stared hungrily at me. Dressed in a black plunging bodysuit with cut-off denim shorts and black stilettos. Her outfit left little to the imagination and my imagination was running fast.

She was with her friends, but her attention was solely on me, which wasn't surprising. I was a babe magnet, women were attracted to me, they were drawn to my handsome dark looks and the danger they sensed I possessed.

I lifted my lips in an inviting smile.

She pulled her lip between her teeth in that sexy way women did and turned around, dancing to the song by Bebe Rexha featuring Lil Wayne 'The Way I Are (Dance With Somebody)' that was playing loudly through the clubs speakers. My eyes greedily roamed her curvy body, she had a banging body and she knew it.

Her hands were up in the air and she was shaking her waist. She glanced over her shoulder and her eyes locked on mine. A sexy smile crossed her face and she turned back around, continuing with her sensual dance.

"Y'all were just eye fucking each other weren't you?" Andy asked in amazement, breaking my gaze away from the sexy woman.

I met his eyes across the table and answered with a chuckle, "She started it."

"Don't you get tired of it?" Vino questioned next to me.

I glanced at him. "Of what?"

"Of meaningless sex." He responded. "Life is short to be hooking up with random woman and having meaningless sex."

Andy rolled his eyes.

"You just rolled your eyes at me, I wonder what Frankie's going to say when she finds out you're encouraging your puta of a brother here." He threatened.

Andy raised his hands up in defeat. "Chill bro."

"Life is too short to be tied down to one pussy." I said with a laugh.

Older than me by two years, Livino was a judgemental and egotistical dick. He was the golden boy of the family, went to Harvard like mom and dad, got a masters degree, runs his own criminal law firm and married to Vicky, LA's very own fashion designer. 

It didn't help that he was attractive too, with his black closed crop haircut, clean shaven squared face and green eyes. He inherited his green eyes from our grandfather, dad's father, and was the only one in the family who had green eyes.

"I bet you won't be saying that in the next twelve years when you're forty." He challenged. "You'll be sad and lonely. Hell you might even turn into a pervert who jerks off to his neighbors who by the way are a happily married couple that —"

I leaned back casually into my seat, cutting him off. "That ain't ever gonna happen."

"Hypothetically, what would you do if it did?" He demanded.

"I'd hire escorts hypothetically." I responded smugly.

Andy threw his head back and let out a booming laugh then we fist bumped. "Nice one bro."

Vino shook his head, "You're both dickheads."

Andy and I both grinned.

It was always fun getting Livino riled up.

Aleandro was the more funny and down to earth brother between the three of us. He always found humor in everything. He stood at five foot nine and had an athletic body. He wore his black hair in a spiky hair style and had a well trimmed beard. His dark brown eyes had warmth in them, but his strong jawline made him look strict.

When growing up, Andy suffered from anxiety and depression issues, that's why he was always lively and happy. He didn't want to fall down the rabbit hole again and go back to the days when his life was miserable and gloomy.

"Taking a smoke break." I announced, standing up.

"Hope you choke!" Vino called out to my back.

I flipped him the bird.

I shoved my way out of the club and stepped out the dark alley behind the warehouse. I pulled out the joint I'd rolled earlier today and a lighter from the pocket of my black leather jacket. Leaning against the wall, I lifted the blunt up to my lips, light it up and sucked on the cannabis, letting the smoke trail back out of my pursed lips slowly into the night.

I started smoking weed at the age of fourteen, it helped calm me when I was nervous, irritated or angry. When I was sad and wanted to forget I did the strong stuff like cocaine.

"Hey." A melodious voice called out in the dark alley.

I turned my head and watched as the sexy blonde from the club stepped out from the shadows and sauntered towards me.

I pulled the blunt away from my lips and lifted my head as I said, "Hey."

I knew she'd follow me outside, that was part of the reason I stepped outside. She was probably a good girl who was out searching for a wild night. If wild was what she wanted, I could give her that, I did wild down to a T.

She stepped in front of me and snaked her arms around my waist. Even in her heels she barely reached my six foot four build. Her hands found their way inside my shirt, they were small but yet warm. Her hands on my skin had my arousal going up a notch. This woman was bold, I liked a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to take it.

"You wanna get out of here." I asked licking my lips.

She stared up at me, her green eyes innocent but yet so wild.

I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I'll let you make the call."

I could feel her pulse quicken.

"You can text all your friends say you'll see them tomorrow," I continued, "That's if you're down."

She stepped back and took the blunt away from me, taking a drag of it and letting the smoke trail out of the side of her mouth.

"I'm down." She grinned.

Just the words I wanted to hear.


A/N: Thank you for reading this far. I'll be updating more chapters soon so follow me to keep up. If you enjoyed this chapter please do vote for it. It will be much appreciated it.


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