Hl X Tf2 Pt 2

208 3 0

Demoman: BURP! Oh sorry mate i just... Well feel like every bone in my body's broken...

Soldier: Shut up you drunken scott!

Engie: All of ya shut up! Where are we...?

Scout: It looks like a... Destroyed world.

Heavy: What is loud noise? It sound like tank or big robot.

Spy: I dont think thats a robot...


All of the the team: A GIANT THING ON 3 LEGS AND A GUN ON TOP!


Strider: (angry noisies)

Demo: Nothin's workin lads!

Gordon Freeman: (shoots rocket and it dies)

Soldier: Its... Beautiful. Seeing it dead...

Ok author here im too lazy to do an actual story lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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