Chapter 1: The New School

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Don't ask me how two refugees from Syria can speak perfect English, because I don't know myself.

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|| J A N N A H ||

"I'm so pumped for this place. Imagine all the pretty girls, sis!" Jamal hollered beside me as he practically frolicked his way towards the school.

Jamal had always been very confident and outgoing. We had shared a womb, but apparently he had been selfish with all the confidence hormones, if they even existed.

Truthfully, I was jealous of his ability to still have a positive outlook on life, despite the horrors it had thrown our way.

It wasn't a bad jealousy. I never, not even for a second, wished that his positivity and light dimmed, I just wished that I had some of it, too.

"Ittaqullah, Jamal." I spoke softly, telling him to fear God. We had only arrived in Australia a few weeks ago and already, Jamal had been slacking in his religious duties.

Alhamdulillah, all praise is to Allah, I was clutching onto them even tighter now.

We were two siblings from Syria who God Almighty had blessed with the opportunity to escape the warfare back home, and we had now made it safely to a country where we would be secure, inshaaAllah. God willing. This fact alone should be enough for us to be grateful towards our Creator and push us to thank Him during every opportunity we had.

I adjusted my hijab as the wind blew and caused the material to fly over my shoulder. Holding it down onto my chest, I continued walking alongside my brother as we approached some stairs that led into the school.

Thank God the principal had emailed us to come here at 10am. It meant that all the students were already in their classes and we didn't have to walk in while they all stared at us like we had come from Planet X.

"Relax, sis. I'm not saying anything bad. All I'm saying is, I'm going to make good use of my right to a first gaze." He smirked at me, running a hand through his black hair as he winked cockily.

Jamal and I were twins, yes, but we were, quite obviously, not identical. In fact, we looked nothing alike. While Jamal was pale with dark hair and dark brown eyes, I was darker with grey-ish eyes, speckled with hues of green.

No one ever believed that we were twins. Especially considering the fact that Jamal was 190cm while I was an embarrassing 152cm.

The only thing we had in common was our weight. Due to the shortage of food back home, neither of us were of healthy weight. I guess since I was shorter and a female, I didn't look that unhealthy, but Jamal, with his combination of tall height and low weight, was quite lanky or malnourished-looking.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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