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Izukuz pov

I woke up with a pounding headache. My vision was a bit blurry and I was really hot, but i had to get ready for school. I cant miss a single day or else I'm going to fall behind my fellow classmates.  When I get up from my bed I start to get dizzy and I balance myself with my bedside table. After I got dressed, I headed out for school. I made my way to 1A and took my seat. There was only kaachan, Iida, and Todoroki in the classroom because it was still a bit early.

Bakugous POV

I had just taken my seat when that damn nerd walked in. He looked awful. He took his seat and then everyone else started piling into the room and chatting amongst each other. Then the teacher came in and they all took their seats.

An hour into the lesson

Izukus POV

I wasnt able to pay attention to Aizawa during his lesson. My head was throbbing. My vision started to go dark as I felt my body give out. My head hit the table making a thud, it hurt but not as much as my head. I couldnt find the strength to sit back up. Then I heard panicked voices, including Aizawas.

Aizawas pov

About an hour into my lesson I hear a thud. I turn around, half expecting to see bakugou making trouble but instead i see one of my students has almost passed out. Dadzawa mode kicked in. I saw my students start to come over to Izuku, I myself went over and felt his forehead. I was shocked at how hot it was. It was almost a burning sensation. "Todoroki use your cold side on his head lightly" I say and he does. "Now let's take him to his dorm and someone will need to accompany him to make sure he doesn't get worse" I say while Todoroki picks him up, still making his head colder. "I will." He says and we make our way to his dorm, leaving the others behind. Once we get there I use my key to get in. "Lay him on the bed and make sure he doesnt get hotter." I say as I leave him there with Izuku.

Todoroki's pov

Aizawa just left.  Like POOF gone. I go to get an ice pack for izukus head and when I was just about to go get ice, I heard a thud and turn around to see Izuku on the floor, trying to get up. "Now what was that for." I say while helping him up. "...i..hav..e..to...get...back...t..to..class..." he manages to get out. "Your not going anywhere until your cold is gone." I state. I put him back on the bed and decide to just use my hand. It's too risky to leave him alone when all he wants to do is go back to work. "Yknow if you didnt push yourself so much then maybe you wouldnt get sick" I say jokingly. I dont get a response. I look over at his room. It's full of all might merch. I look back at him and realize he's asleep. Then I realized I could just make my own ice. Gosh I'm stupid. I make ice and get a rag to put it in. After it's done I place it on izukus head.  I took his temperature.. 102 degrees! Geez he's really sick.

Bout a 2 hour nap later.

Izukus POV

I wake up to todoroki sitting in my bean bag chair playing on his phone. Strange. I dont remember what happened... I try and get up but I'm hit with a throbbing in my head, it was slightly better than before but it still hurt. "I need to get.. back to c..class.." I say very tiredly. "Nope. Your not going anywhere until your fever is better, besides class is over and it's the weekend now." Todoroki says. Wait.. if todoroki's here... then he's gonna get sick!.. "I..I'm fine now, you can go." I say, trying to make sure he doesnt get sick. "No your not." He says while getting up from my chair and making his way over to me. "Y..Yes I am!" I say as I quickly push him out with all my strength. Once he's out the door I shut it hard and lock it. "Izuku! Let me in!" He says. "No!! I dont wanna get you sick!...i.." I say as I start to get light headed. Just then I feel terrible. I run to the bathroom and go to the toilet. I start throwing up and i cant seem to stop. Todoroki was pounding on the door to see if i was okay because i wasnt responding to him. I mean I was still throwing up. From what I could tell, he goes quiet then I hear him again and he's with someone. It was kaachan. Then I hear a boom and the door swings open. I had stopped throwing up and i had my arms around my knees and my knees were at my chest. I was hiding behind the toilet coiled up in a ball. The bathroom door opens and Todoroki walks in. I'm guessing he sees me.

Todoroki's pov

I ran to get bakugou to open the door because I didnt want to break it, I just wanted it to unlock. He broke the knob but nothing else. At least now it wont lock. I tell him he can leave now, so he does although he looked a bit worried about izuku. I made my way Into the bathroom to be greeted by an izuku in a little ball behind the toilet. I could tell he had been throwing up. "Hey.." I say quietly. He doesnt answer. "You want katsudon?" I say, knowing that it's his favorite. He shakes his head no, which surprises me. I pull him into a hug, he starts crying.

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