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Todoroki's pov

After about 30 minutes of izuku hugging me, his breath evens out and I think he's asleep. I pick him up bridal style and carry him to his bed. I heard somewhere that stress makes a cold worse so if he's stressed about getting me sick then I'll just wear a mask. After I have the mask on, I lay down beside him and fall asleep.


Izukus POV

For some reason I felt worse than before... I thought colds were supposed to get better over time. I couldnt even find the strength to get up. After multiple trys, I manage to get up and balance myself on my furniture. As I'm doing this, it seems todoroki woke up because he jumped up to see what I was doing... i couldnt act sick around him so I pretended nothing was wrong

Todoroki's pov

I wake up to see izuku walking somewhere. I jumped up to see where he was going.. "your not planning on leaving.. are you." I say sternly. "I...I'm feeling better so I thought..." he says. "Let me check your temperature before you go anywhere." I say, this seems to panic him. "Nonono theres... theres no need!" He says. "Just a precaution" I say while putting the thermometer in his mouth.  After a couple seconds it reads... 107 degrees! "Ok... dont panic, but we need to take you to the doctor." I say hoping not to stress him. "What..? Why.." izuku says. He looks real bad. "You might have a fever or even the flu." I say. "Th...then fine!" He says stupidly. A healthy temp is 90 not 107!

Izukus POV

I cant go to the doctor! That'll just cause todoroki more trouble. I start to run out the door and after about 10 feet I run into someone. Its kaachan. "K..ka.
Achan..." i say. "Wtf deku. You look awful." He states plainly. "I...." I start to say but then I'm surrounded by darkness and I feel myself falling before somebody catches me. I hear rushed voices and then it goes silent.

Bakugous POV

I was on my way to kirishimas room but then deku came running our of his dorm, not looking at all and ran straight into me. He started to say something, when I started that he looked awful and then the damn nerd started falling backward! I was going to let him fall but just then todoroki appeared and caught him. "What's up with him?" I say. "He has a temperature of 107." Half n half says. 107?! "Well what the hell are you waiting for?! Take him to the doctors." I say a bit worried but not letting it show. "I've tried, but then he ran away and bumped into you." He says. "Whatever." I say and start to walk away.

Izukus POV

"Let's get going." Todoroki says. I just started to wake up. "Nnh...todorokiii..." I say groggily. "Yes?" He says as he picks me up. "My head... hurts..." I say. "Well maybe if you didnt run off and fall down it wouldnt hurt." He says. Nnhhh my head really hurt now... like BAD. I cant even think straight...

Todoroki pov

Izuku said his head hurt. If he would have not resisted from the start then maybe he wouldnt have this cold still. I pick him up and carry him to my car. I place him in the back seat and make my way to the front seat.

Izukuz POV

Everything hurts. My head the most.. I hear todoroki say were here and pull in to the hospital. I feel the car stop and todoroki open my door. I cant move still... todoroki picks me up and Carrie's me into the ER. He talks to the nurse and informs her of my temperature. She says to follow her so todoroki does... I think I cant really tell right now. I'm put on a table, and i hear the doctor say to open my mouth so she can tale my temperature. I open as much as I can, which isnt much and I hear a gasp when she reads it. "I'm going to go get a doctor." She says as she walks away. A doctor comes in. The nurse shows my temperature, I see it... 113... its raised 6. They leave the room after giving me some fluids

Todoroki's pov

I'm in the waiting room, when izukus nurse calls my name. I walk over to her and she explains his condition. "We believe he has hyperpyrexia. It's when a fever goes on longer than 10 or 14 days. He's in critical conditions with his temperature.. its 113." She explained. 113?! I thought someone could die from that... is Izuku going to die?!. I text everyone in or class group chat izukus conditions and which hospital were at.
About 20 minutes later, they all come running into the waiting room shouting where is Midoriya?!. I was done taking in the shock from his temperature. They were all worried. Then a nurse came out again. "He's stable, we've got him on an oxygen machine and were giving him fluids but that's all we can do right now." She said to me. "This is all my fault.. I should've taken him to a doctor sooner.." I say quietly. We sat back down and waited. Waited. Waited.

5 hours later. [ 2 AM ]

Izukus POV

I woke up to see the time, 2 am... I feel awful.. my head hurts, I have chest pain, I cant think straight.., I'm coughing alot, and it's really hot....  its unbearable. When can I leave..  I decided to just go to sleep again... maybe I'll be better when I wake up.


Nurse pov

I walk in to check up on one of our patients, Izuku Midoriya. I take his temperature and surprisingly it's gone down alot! He looked better too. His temperature is now 102, which is way better then 113. I walk out to tell his friends, which by the way, have been here all night. What good friends kids have these days. I tell them and they seem so overly happy. This is why I became a nurse, so I could see this sight. I love my job. Accept when I see dead bodies... Ew.

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