Blade Cruorem

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I never really wanted to die, but I followed through anyways. The pain in my heart was excruciating, and death was beautiful.

Second week  of September and that afternoon sunset was breathtaking. That sunset was the last image I wanted my eyes to take in. How the light gave a dreamy glow to everything. My hair billowed in the autumn wind, creating auburn waves. I fell onto my knees, beneath the pine tree, in front of an ocean of grave and dead people. I wanted to be forever asleep.

The blade glimmered in the sunlight. As I took in my last breathe, I wanted death keepers to unite me with my dark mate, even if this was in the bottomless pits of hellfire. I would burn with him, and be happy.

I ran the blade across my wrist and fell onto the ground. I felt the fire, the ache, the sting. My pulse pounded, and life poured out of me. My vision grew dark, and I waited for more darkness.


Death was like sleeping without dreaming, but still being consciously aware. I waited for something more to happen. A light to shine, a tunnel to tumble down, a dark angel to come and take me away. To fall into the ocean of fire. To be condemned by God.

I no longer had a body, I was a spirit. But if I would've still have a hand, then the kiss I felt on the hand would have been real. If I had ears, the whisper I heard would have been real words.

Wake up, sleeping girl

A guy's voice. I felt him run his fingers through my hair. His touch was electrifying, my eyes opened immediately to find that I was still in my body, but when I looked up into his eyes, I thought he was a death angel, here to collect me. He was too gorgeous to be human. He had long black hair, brooding eyes, and the richest ruby lips I'd ever seen. It was enough to make me self-conscious.

Then I realized that I had a heartbeat. A strong heartbeat. "You just scared me half to death." I said.

"You should be thrilled you're halfway there."

The moon in the cemetery shed everything in a haunting glow. He pushed up onto his feet and ran his splayed fingers through his chin-lengthened hair, then extended that hand to me, and helped me to my feet. He wore a white dress shirt, untucked and disheveled, and black pants. But on him, the ensemble was more than that. He looked like a tragic hero in a Shakespearean play, one who'd just unravel. He had an intriguing look about him, too. I bet he could go from a poet to a serious guy, ready to fight in a split second.

"You've been here the entire time? Who are you anyways?"

"Who do you want me to be?" His gaze met mine. It took a minute to assimilate what had happened. I still though I might be dead and I tried to surreptitiously peek at my wrists where the slice marks would have been, but he eyed me exclusively, so I tried to feel for the evidence instead. I dropped my eye to the ground to search for the blade, thinking the moon light might illuminate it. It wasn't there. There was no blood, no blade, no ache. It never happened, I never died. I'd fallen asleep and dreamed the whole scenario.

"What are you doing here?"

"Curious." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Curious about what?"

"Well, you're here."

"You followed me here?"

"I wouldn't exactly use the word followed."

"Okay, creep. You can leave now."

The way he looked at me made me smolder. It was hard to ignore. He took a small step forward. "No I can't, if you do anything crazy, I might have to stop you."

"What I choose to do with my life, is none of your business."

He paused for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll leave then." He was standing only inches away from me now, his eyes were affixed to mine. I didn't move.


"But only under one condition." His eyes glimmered and he smirked as he closed the distance between us. I suddenly felt dizzy. I must have taken a step back but my legs wouldn't move.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?"

"If you kiss me."

"Excuse me, I don't even know you." I grabbed my canvas bag and pivoted, walking away and trying hard not to smile, or to let him see me smile.

He called after me. " You didn't think it was that easy to get me to leave, did you?"

I spun around to face him. "I can't kiss you, I have a boyfriend."

"Do you tell him everything? He doesn't have to know about us."

"I'm officially leaving. You don't even know me."

"Yes I do. You're Lenora Bathory, and you fall asleep in graveyards."

"That's not enough to go on."

He chased after me, trying to stop me from leaving. He gently grabbed my wrist. "It's perfect."

"How do you know my name?"

"You carved it into your notebook with an exacto knife."

"So you enjoy digging into people's belongings, I see."

"Well, you were here since a while so..."

"What time is it now?"

"Half past midnight"

"Shit, Nick is gonna kill me.."

I saw sudden curiosity flare in his eyes and interest rising in his voice. "Who's Nick?"

"My dick-headed stepfather."

"He can't tell you what to do, you know." I could've sworn I saw his muscles relax.

"Yeah, but he makes my life a living hell. He is only twenty nine and he already thinks that he is my boss."

His eyes widened. He swung around a tree. "So don't go home." He leaned against it.
"Stay here with me." His eyes landed on mine and my heart fluttered. Crap. Len, don't even consider it.

I scoffed

He took a deep breathe and exhaled. "Dance with me."

"You are really bold, you know that. You don't get a kiss so you go for the next best thing."

"Let's just talk then."

"Talking is over."

"Seriously. Five hours we will get to know each other, and you'll dance with me." He took a small step forward , and with gentle fingers, he planted a moonflower behind my ear. I can't remember the last time anyone had been so kind with me. Staying here would be better than going home. Way better. My eyes lifted to his.

"You didn't tell me your name."

"It's Blade Cruorem"

And I stayed. I kind of adored his smile. And I really loved his eyes.


This is my first book and I hope you like it...

Comments and Votes would be truly appreciated,
Thank you.

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