Chapt 19: Brother's

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A/n: ello ello, just here to give a rundown of a few things and ask a question. First off this chapter will be shorter than the others due to story planning. Second off-

Dandy: Dipstick will be going away for 2 weeks thanks to "Christmas" so expect another delay, AGAIN.

A/n: Hey I don't see you writing the actual story! You just edit and draw concept art. Now although he is correct, I will be working on the two proceeding chapters in those two weeks so yeah. Lastly, my question is about the story, so my number two problem with writing is if you guys, the readers, understand what I'm putting down I. E Y/n's Dreams. If you don't understand something in the story or feel like others won't understand PLEASE tell me, I'm always happy to answer questions and edit/improve my story. Now then, Enjoy that chapter!

Y/n's Pov

Darkness, that's what faced me. Nothing but an endless abyss that I wondered through aimlessly, unaware of how I'd originally arrived in this place. Naturally, I knew where I was, kind of. Every dream, every time I fell asleep since my arrival to Beacon, I was sent here, to a bizarre dreamscape where I alone stood on the underside of the sea and everywhere I looked was near pitch black. Why did my dreams bring me here every time? I wouldn't have a clue.

However, this time was different. I had no recollection of falling asleep and to top it off, I had been here far longer than any of the previous times. 'Why can't I wake up? This place is too boring for me'

"Mind your manners human, this is my domain you speak ill of!"

"Ah, deer furry!" I screamed as I leapt away from the voice that spoke up from behind me. "Would it kill you to show up in a less, 'jump scary' way?"

"I am immortal, such trivial attempts at killing me are futile, however, I shall consider your request. Now human, have you found passage into my brother's domain? Your stay here has been rather lengthy so I expect promising results."

'This again?' I scoffed. This floating purple silhouetted deer guy here has been the only other I've seen in these dreams and all he has ever talked about is his brother's domain and some passageway. I continue to search for it because I have nothing else in here to do. That and if I didn't look he would tend to disappear, leaving me alone in this dark forsaken place. Something that I rather hated quite a bit.

"Wait a second. Hey, this might be a long shot, but, as you said before, I've been here for a long time. Do you know why that is?" I asked. Silently he looked down at me, acknowledging my question before returning with an answer.

"you are in a coma." He bluntly put it, rendering me, no more than a shocked statue. "You were engaged in a 'fierce' battle with an Alpha Beowolf, and a Boarbatusk. Although victorious, you sustained heavy injuries and collapsed there on the spot from loss of blood. However, you were escorted in time and treated before you bled out. The rest you shall find out soon enough. Now back to the task at hand, the entrance to my brother's-"

"I'm dead, aren't I!? This is hell, isn't it?!  Oh, the humanity! I had so much left to do, so much to say! I didn't even get to tell the girls how much of a living-"

"You are not dead! By my brother's horns, you have to be the most difficult one yet!" The silhouetted man groaned into his palms, his omnipotent voice cracking as the surface of the water rippled around him. "We do not have time for this mortal. Soon she will strike and if we do not lead you to my brother and prepare you then all is lost."

"Jees, I'm sorry okay? Just chill, its only a dream" I reassured my questionably strange-looking friend before he snapped once more. The surface of the water yet again beginning to ripple but now more violently.

"You, are the single most, infuriating human I've had to ever assist! If I was there with you right now I would have strangled you already-! Where did he go?" the silhouetted man asked. Puzzled as he looked around for me before cursing.

Vale Hospital
12:34 Pm

My body lurched forward as I gasped for air and shot my eyes wide open. As my breathing calmed from erratic to heavy controlled breathes, I soon realised I was in an infirmary, sitting upon a bed, in a small room.

"You better not re-open those wounds of yours Y/n, stitching up that large one was as annoying as you. That things gonna take a while to heal so don't be... You," No matter the time or place, I knew whose voice that was. "Howdy, little brother."

"It's you... Jasper" was all I could muster as I stared blankly at him, sitting comfortably on a sofa to the side of the room as he gave one of his iconic 'I am the man' smirks. "What are you."

"Doing here? Well, I couldn't just focus on my research and not come to my little brothers first ever Vytal festival tournament. I finished up my mission early, packed up my research camp in ol Glenn and hoofed it back here. Granted I still have one last mission but luckily it's here" Jasper explained with a hint of whimsy. Afterwards, he stood and fixed his black coat, swapping it for its white variant. "I assume since you can talk you can also walk. Quickly get dressed and let's go, you're already late" Jasper explained as he threw my shirt at me

"for?" I asked as I caught my shirt and looked back at him as he turned to face me in the doorway.

"Why, Your first day at the Vytal tournament of course. Your teams already fought" Leaving me on a cliffhanger, Jasper smirks and leaves, closing the door on his way out.

"Jerk," I mumbled before throwing the covers off me and easing myself to the edge of the hospital bed. "W-Woah," I said, surprised as I got a better look at my body. Bandages were tightly wrapped around my waist and right bicep. Cursing under my breath, I slowly brushed my hair back as I remembered vividly what happened. The sound of my flesh-tearing, the searing pain it left me in before relieving me of consciousness.

"Ruby... Ruby!" 'She was there, with me!' In a panicked state, I hurried as quickly as I could, slipping my shirt and pants on before catching up to my brother. "Jasper!"

"My, that was awfully quick. I'm glad that you still recover quickly but try to-"

"Ruby! Is she alright" I spared no second, desperate yet frightened to know the answer. My brothers face hardened as my softened.

"she's fine Y/n. So are your friends and other teammates. Let's get on the bullhead before I explain everything." Jasper helped me calm myself and together boarded the earliest bullhead we could find to Beacon. If it wasn't for that immense power in his arms I would've guessed his semblance was that insane focus of his. There were very few people with his kind of level-headedness and even fewer with his intellect.

The closer we got to Beacon, the more Jasper shared and with that, the calmer I felt. Apparently it had been two weeks since the Mt. Glenn incident and everything was back to normal, more or less. The tournament was postponed due to the last repairs and lingering Grimm in town but otherwise, no deaths or fatal injuries other than mine were reported, guess it was just a bad day for numero uno. Roman was arrested and locked up in the main atlas airship while Neo was still 'at large', or rather, at small for her stature. Besides the 'worried souls at Beacon' as Jasper put it, everything seemed okay, Except "Cinder..."

"What was that?" Jasper asked as he glanced back at me.

"Oh, nothing, just my, final grades. There all to cinders, y'know?" My brother held in a snicker as he looked back out the window, waving off my last comment.

"You've been hanging out with Weissy a little too much I think. Just don't get whiney on me will ya?" Jasper teased and he grinned.

"Then you best do the same thing. I know you've been seeing Winter, and she's far worse than my Weiss." We both laughed as silence fell, knowing this was the only chance we'd get before being bombarded by either sister.

However, this lingering feeling I had since I woke up still had a hold on me.  'Cinder... what was her plan? If it wasn't for me or team Rwby. The city, the people...' the thought was too unbearable. I admit I had my own problems, to go as far as to say that I am a criminal but Cinder. She's something else, this scheme of hers, all of it...

"Hey, we're here" Jasper announced as he stood from his seat and held onto the ship as we landed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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