That Smile

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there's a prequel/second part (?) to this so don't stop reading 🥺✨

there's a prequel/second part (?) to this so don't stop reading 🥺✨

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He wore the same smile as you grew up.

You were unobservant when he was next to you. Your eyes were always noticing even the tiniest of details. Your ears pricked up whenever you heard the simplest lies. As you grew up with Ben, you brushed everything off. He was flirtatious, you'll admit. But he was just being your Benjamin. He was a cheeky gentleman who was passionate about many things in the world. He was your best friend. He smiled at you every moment he could. You just never noticed.

He wore the same smile as his career took off.

Ben tried to bring you to every event possible. But you could only attend some. You were there with him during his premieres for X-Men: Apocalypse, and currently, Bohemian Rhapsody. He always dragged you to take photos with him. His arm was wrapped around your waist as he held you against his body. You wrapped your arms around his torso and placed your head on his shoulder as the cameras clicked away. You were focused on the cameras and the flashing lights. You didn't capture the smile he wore on his face as he looked down at you, happy you were there for him. But the cameras did.

He wore the same smile when he fell in love with you.

Ben confessed his true feelings after the premiere of Bohemian Rhapsody. His heart soared when you said you felt the same. A year later, it was New Years. The both of you spent it with the casts of Bohemian Rhapsody and 6 Underground. As everyone counted down the seconds, Ben turned you to face him. He looked at your flushed face from the crowd and alcohol. He stared into your wide eyes, accepting that he fell in love after so many years.

As everyone around you screamed "One!" and Ryan made a joke about his code name, Ben leaned in for a kiss. When you pulled away, Joe gagged and threw an empty can of coke at you. You wrapped your arms around Ben's torso and rested your head on his chest as you looked at the fireworks in the sky. Everyone was admiring the bright light. Everyone but Ben, as he was busy wearing the same smile at the brightest light in his life — you.

He wore the same smile at your wedding.

It took Joe, Gwilym and Rami four hours to calm Ben down on that day. He donned a pure black suit. Head to toe. He stood at the alter, talking to his best mates to calm his nerves once again. The music started to play. Everyone stood up as the doors opened. Joe, Ben's best man, patted him at the shoulder as you walk down the aisle.

You looked gorgeous. The dress had a train which was being carried by Lucy, who was your bridesmaid. Your arms were covered by white lace. Roger and Brian walked you down the aisle, slowly though since you were wearing black heels to match Ben's suit. The thin veil covered your face and rested against your bare shoulders.

You could see through the veil. And for the first time ever, you saw the smile everyone else did. His head was tilted slightly to the left. His eyes were soft, full of love and happiness. His lips were as pink as they always were, the ends of it tugged. The smile wasn't big nor was it small. It was soft. His entire face just screamed "I LOVE YOU SINCE WE WERE KIDS.".

He had the same expression throughout the whole thing. His hands held yours. He gave the same smile as he said "I do.". And for the first time ever, he saw the exact expression on your face as the same words passed your lips.

He wore the same smile as he held his new girl.

You were asleep on the hospital bed. Giving birth tends to tire you out. Your daughter cried in his arms. Ben brought her out of the room so you could still sleep. He bounced her in his arms, whispering silently.

"I never knew I could fall for another girl other than your mother, you know. I'll be there for you, always. I'll be there for you like your mother was there for me."

For the first time ever, he wore the same smile but for another girl as she looked into his eyes.

He wore the same smile as he walked your daughter down the aisle.

Ben walked down the red carpet with your daughter by his side.

"I thought you didn't want me to get married?" she teased her father, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Ben chuckled.

"I don't. I let him slide though. I see your mother in you. And me in him." Ben confessed. Your daughter held in her tears after hearing his words. She never thought she could find a love like your's and Ben's. Yet here she is.

You stood by the front row, watching Ben and your daughter. Your heart full with love as he gave your daughter the same look he gave you on your wedding day.

He wore the same smile as he stood in the grass.

Every single day, you woke up to him wearing that smile. Every single night, the last thing you see is him wearing that smile.

Ben stood in the bright grass. He was no longer the hunky blond he was. He was now old and grey. His hands were in the pockets of his jacket as he let out a shaky breath. "Hey, love."

"Hey, dad." Ben turned around to see his daughter and his grandson. He wiped away the tears from his face. Your grandson giggled as Ben picked him up.

"How are you?" your daughter asked, careful of her words. Your death was difficult on Ben. It wasn't easy knowing that you couldn't see your best friend and the love of your life gone. It's not any easier when your best friend and the love of your life is the same person.

"You don't have to walk on eggshells around me, baby. I'm not okay now but I will be." Ben said. He didn't face his daughter nor his grandson. He just looked at your grave.

"You've been telling me this since I was a baby. And now, I'm saying this to you, dad. You said you will be there for me. Now. I'll be here for you like how you were for mom."

Ben let the tears roll off his cheeks once more. His grandson was still in his arms. The baby whined and pouted, seeing his grandfather upset. "Now, let's go get fish and chips, yeah?"

Ben chuckled. He looked at your grave once more. He knew you wouldn't see it anymore. But he gave that same smile he wore one last time before walking away.

He wore that same smile everyday until the day you reunited in the afterlife.

That Smile (Ben Hardy)Where stories live. Discover now