ch 12

372 20 0

Im staying at Woojin's house since i had no where to go, I bit my lip while thinking of a message to say to Jisung.

Ji Hyung boss

I'm thinking of quitting

what? sure. take your
time and text me back

now like right now

u sure innie?
are u ok?

yes. is there antyg
i can give back?

no but pls come by
again mkay?

alright thank you
jisung hyung


I hear shuffling behind me and two arms back hug me and i look back smiling . " thank you woojin hyung for letting me sleep your house " Woojin hum in response before letting me go.
" I've made breakfast , let's eat " Woojin said before he left me in his room . I snuggle my way out of the comfortable bed and walk my way to the living room.

Woojin who is waiting for me, already placed the food on the table, making me hugged him,  " thank you woojin hyung " i muffle out leaning at his oversized shirt . Woojin ruffles my hair and holds me and asked me to sit at the chair being beside him , " i didn't know you cook so well hyung "
I compliment him making him flustered and starts to eat slowly . He served pancakes and bacon with scramble eggs , i honestly never eaten this kind of food but i have seen at television . I start to dig in the bacon and crunching it slowly, i watch Woojin instead he's already looking  at me.

" stay here with me " Woojin looked at me with calm eyes making me unknowingly nod and smile widely.
" you remind me of my older brother " I said making Woojin cocked an eyebrown, " you had a brother?  thought you're an only child? " I look back at Woojin , " i was close with this person I've made friends in my neighbourhood and we made a promise to not leave each other so till then i called him my older brother but then..." I look back at my eggs and play with it, biting my lip. Woojin cleared his throat, " you don't have to tell me "

I smiled back and shakes my head,
" we grew apart in highschool and he started to pick on me in school. " Woojin eyes widen and puts his hands on my cheeks, " nobody should bully my baby "  I giggle making him giggle too and we continued eating with a comfortable silence. " do you wanna try wokring at my place?  " I tilt my head when i finished eating , I didn't remember where he worked— oh.

" is it the same place? " Woojin stops smiling and shakes his head, " no baby it's not and i wouldn't ask you to work there since you know—" I nod and half smiling at him. " i am working at a cafe library store and I'm the manager but also i don't know if i can tell you..."
I watched Woojin sigh , " i have no friends so you could tell me " He then makes his way to the bedroom making me follow him, " im a undercover investigator " I gasp but i wasn't shock and i remembered about Chan,  " is Chan hyung too? " Woojin shakes his head that makes me in confusion . " he's a undercover hitman so he gets paid my mafia leaders and when he needs help,he comes to me. "

I nod my head trying to understand how this works out. My phone vibrated and a message pop. Woojin and i look over at my phone and there was Chan's id name. " i know he'll come back to you kiddo" Woojin smiles and pats my shoulders, going back to the living room. I take my phone and slides the message up to see it.

Channie hyung

hey kitten?

muffin? i know you're

pls reply. I'll explain
i promise .

fine. but meet me
somewhere .

park near Jisung hyung

I sigh and walks over to Woojin and backhugged him, Woojin was surprised but he sense and kept quiet
" are you going to meet Chan? " I hum in response still hugging his back.
"be safe alright, I'll give you new clothes " I nod and lets him go, while he makes his way to the bedroom back. I sigh and look at the mirror against the marble wall , time to face him jeongin . tell him how you feel,  show him your not someone to play with.

| what will happen ? i messed up with the story but it's going to end soon by chapter 20 ♡ .

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