Denki Kaminari

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Denki's teachers never paid attention. In order to get into UA he essentially went home, and relearned his things on his own. Everyone, Teachers included, was sure he cheated at tests. Finding out he got into UA caused shock, because surely they would have caught him cheating at UA.

Denki had gotten a little careless with his subject matter due to this. He had handed in essays and English work with clear metaphors. Once he handed in an outline of how his Dad treated him while drunk, with three deliberate errors, and no one noticed. You could change the name on anything and you'd just be called talented.

So when he handed in a thinly veiled metaphorical story about a character who used a defibrillator as an entrance to another plane, he did not expect anyone to notice.

It was not until he had handed it in, and was looking at previous tests he'd gotten back for English, panic set in.

"Fuck" he muttered, unable to shake the habit of talking out loud. "Fuck I really am that stupid-" Thinking clouded, and overwhelmed him in what if's, and panic attacks. They'd all know, oh he was so fucked. Denki's brain became too cluttered so he made a list. Like he used to as a kid, to keep his head straight.

Reasons Denki was screwed.

He handed in a metaphor for his quirk with bad implications

Those implications are very true.

Present Mic is the most attentive English Teacher Denki's ever met

UA is elite, and Present Mic takes care in looking over the assignments, unlike the middle school teacher who missed his stuff about his Dad

If/when Present Mic realized the implications he would undoubtedly ask

Denki did not lie as easily to UA Teachers

Denki felt closed in with panic. He lay in his bed that night, unable to sleep as he stared at the ceiling and his brain went haywire. He'd reread that story six times to try and catch any mistakes how had he not realized Present Mic might see through him. He felt stupid, although that wasn't uncommon.

By the next morning, Present Mic had asked for him after classes. Denki had spent the whole night, and the morning, and the rest of the day settling and rehearsing his excuse. He was just exploring electric potential. Thinking about quirks, it didn't mean a thing.

"Kaminari" Present Mic looked weird, with his hair down. Denki also could have sworn he'd seen Aizawa in that sweater, but not the point right now. "Take a seat"

"Am I in trouble?" Denki asked, trying to find a joke to cover the pure nerves, if he looked nervous Present Mic might catch on he isn't clueless. This had to be his best acting ever if he wanted to pull this off. "Cause I need to know what you found before I have an excuse"

"Not the time for jokes" Present Mic warned him. That was new, usually the English Teacher was easily won over with cheap humour. "Kaminari yesterday you handed this in, and I read it, and I have to say I'm a little concerned"

"Did I mess up grammar?" Denki asked, feigning confusion to cover his fast beating heart.

"No, nothing like that" Present Mic took a deep breath "In this story, the main character uses a defibrillator to escape his reality, he seems to zone out to everyone around him, and it just reminded me of your 'overcharged' state"

"Oh" Denki said, trying to sound casually surprised and not clouded with panic. "So?"

"So-" Present Mic put his hands together, and leaned on his desk a little "Kaminari have you ever used your quirk to zone out, just so you don't have to deal with a mental or physical issue?"

Overcharged - Denki KaminariWhere stories live. Discover now