Chapter 1 - Bored

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A/N This will switch between roughly 5 POVs Sherlock's, John's, The Biologist's, Rose's and The Doctor's (He's in his tenth regeneration).

I glared at the wall and took aim, shooting it for the second time. I heard John coming up the stairs but I didn't care. I took aim again and shot the spray painted smiley face on the wall just as John came in. He covered his ears as the shot sounded. "What the hell are you doing Sherlock?!" He said, more of yelled at me. "Bored." I said. "What?" John asked. "BORED!" I yelled and as I stood up firing 3 more shots at the wall.

"Sherlock, stop!" John said reaching for the gun, I let him take it, sinking back into the chair. "I haven't had a case for weeks John. I'm bored what else am I going to do?" I said glaring at the wall. "What about the guy who came in telling you about moving statues?" John asked. I snorted. "He was drunk when he thought he saw the statues move, there was slightly damp alcohol on his shirt, his eyes were unfocused and he was still slightly unsteady on his feet. He has left the bar roughly 5 hours before he came to us. He hallucinated, it wasn't a case it was just terror of an imaginary thing. Boring." I said, wishing I still had the gun to shoot the wall again.

I stood up just as John was walking up the stairs to put the gun away. The doorbell rang, I stood still and listened to Mrs Hudson talking to the woman there, I could tell it was a woman thanks to her voice. I sat back in my chair as they both cam up and through the door way, I was right it was a woman. I looked at her, she was wearing a golden coloured T-shirt with a leather jacket, she was confident I noted by the way her stance was and her walking style, she had on jeans and a pair of flat soled boots. Good for running I noted, she had one hand in the right pocket of the jacket, she was fingering something, maybe a phone or a picture. I moved on to her appearance she was slightly shorter than me and had dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes, her eyes showed she was older than she looked. She was quite fair in her skin colouring, and looked like she could run a fair way.

"Hi I'm Gemma." Gemma said to me and Mrs Hudson nodded to her and walked back down the stairs. "Have you heard of the disappearances?" She asked me. "No." I said wondering why Lestrade hadn't phoned me.

The Biologist's POV

"No." Sherlock said and waited for me to elaborate. "You're older than you look." He added, I smiled he didn't know how old. "No one has been looking into them because if they do they vanish. I've only come to you because I need your help to locate where the farm is, so I can stop them." Sherlock didn't even blink, which is good for what I'm going up against. "How many have vanished?" He asked me. "This month there has been over 15 disappearances, this year over 105. You haven't been called about it because this investigation has been going for over 50 years, and you are needed on more recent cases."

Sherlock nodded. "I'm not asked to look into the older cases because they are all closed." "You have the map of London in your head, you should be able to find it. Where they probably are is a old hotel or apartment building, or something completely different." I said and looked out the window at the night sky. "Who exactly are we looking for? And there are many old hotels in London, if you want my help I need to know who I'm looking for, who you are because Gemma isn't your real name you say it slightly too quickly and last what is you moving around in your pocket?" Sherlock said watching me, I sigh knowing I should've asked the old lady I didn't catch her name to introduce me. "My name is The Biologist and the creatures I need you to help me find are called Weeping Angels. And the thing in my pocket is a fob watch." I pull the watch out of my pocket and stroked it, knowing I could never go back home even though the Weeping Angels had come through didn't mean I could go back.

I put the watch back in my pocket and watch Sherlock figure out what I just said, he tried to hide it but he was surprised. "The Biologist? That's not your real name either, and what exactly are Weeping Angels?" He said, I mentally sighed coming to Sherlock was now seeming like a really bad idea. "I cannot and will not tell you my real name, your human mind could never be able to get your head around it let along pronounce it. Weeping Angels are creatures that are quantum locked, meaning if you look at them they turn to stone. They look like angels who have their hands to their eyes, they have their hands over their eyes because if they look at each other they freeze for eternity. Weeping Angels are aliens, and they shouldn't even be here!" I say fairly annoyed, I was almost ready to leave. "Aliens don't exist, and you can leave." He mutters something after that that sounded like. "I thought this wouldn't be a waste of time." "Aliens are real and are trying to take over London!" I half yelled at him and stormed out of 221 Baker Street and called a cab. As I waited fuming, I slowly came to realise a phone was ringing in the phone box further down the road, I watched as someone reached out to pick it up and it stopped.

I sighed, realising that I would have to walk home because no cabs were coming down the street. I set off at a brisk walk, hands in my pockets as I walked down the road and turned the corner. I spotted another ringing phonebox and walked over to it picking it up. "Hello?" I asked wondering who could make phones ring, the goverment probably. "Hello, I do believe you've realised you're being watched?" I nod, I had been glancing at cameras while on the way down the street, it had felt as if they were following me. "Good, I don't have to make a threat do I? Please get in the car Miss Jones." The voice said has a black car with tinted windows rolled up. I sighed knowing I had no choice, my sonic was in my flat and I kinda wanted to know who was watching me, because if they were watching me it was a close bet they were watching Sherlock as well.

I step out of the phonebox and climb into the car, the driver had opened the door for me. When I got in I saw there was another person in the car, a young woman by the looks of it. "Hi." I said as I sat down next to her, as the car slowly pulled away from the curb and into the streets of London, she looked up briefly from her phone. "Hi." She said rigth back before going back to her phone. "And you are?" I asked. "Anthea." She said without looking up this time. "Can you tell me where we're going?" I asked, guessing the answer was no. "No I can't." She said, I was right she was probabl told not to tell me. "Can you tell me who you work for?" I asked. "No." Anthea said again. "Is Anthea your real name?" I ask. "No it's not." She said, I nodded and stuck my hand back in my pocket to fiddle with my watch.

A/N I know this is kinda heading towards a crossover of Angels In Manhatten and A Study In Pink but this has a completely diffrent plotline.

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