Chapter 5: Happy Ending...

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Chris sat down near Alvin and held his hand in worry, while the doctor came to remove the bandages...

Chris: Alvin, I'm scared. It's been a long time since I saw something...

Alvin: It's okay, nothing to worry about...

Simon felt his heart falling apart; he never heard that soft voice coming from Alvin before. "Alvin... What did you turn into? You went so far with the things you hate and stomped on your heart just to help those poor children... I remember the time I said to you that you were heartless, and I take it back... For a second I thought I was looking at an angelic chipmunk..." As the doctor remove the bandages, Chris was afraid to open his eyes. "It's okay, Chris. Open your eyes slowly and carefully..." The red-clad chipmunk comforted the child... He slowly opened them, and his eyes glued at Alvin's face...

Alvin: *Worried* Uh, Chris? Are you okay?

Chris: Did someone told you that you are very cute and handsome?

Alvin was happy and also blushed: Heheh... You think?

Chris was looking around, seeing all the faces he wanted to see again. He saw his teammates and the Seville family with joy...

Dave: So, what's next?

Alvin: I think of doing our concert with my mates after 3 weeks so they can practice...

Michael: Cool!

Jessica: What should we sing?

Alvin: You better practice well, we shall sing "The Phoenix"!

- 3 weeks later -

The six children with the chipmunks stood there in the stage in front of a huge crowd. Alvin stood with joy and yelled: "ARE YOU READY TO BURN IT DOWN?!" The crowd nodded in a big scream. He screamed again: "ARE YOU READY MATES?!" his brothers and his mates nodded in excitement... With the Phoenix Song, the concert was awesome.

With the loud cheering coming from the crowd, we conclude our little story.

Bye everyone...

Sorry for making it short...

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