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"The beginning of the end"


"Five returns"

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      Lizzie and Vanya were sitting on the stairs in the main entry hall of the Academy. They sat leaning against either railing in silence.

    The silence was soon interrupted with a song playing through the entire house.

Children behave, that's what they say when we're together

     Vanya and Lizzie both look up to see where the music is coming from.

And watch how you play
They don't understand
And so we're
Running just as fast as we can, holding on to one another hands

    They both got up from their respective spots on the stairs Lizzie following after Vanya, confused as to what they were doing.

Trying to get away into the night and then you put your arms around me
And we tumble to the ground and then you say
I think we're alone now,
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now,
The beating of our hearts is the only sound

     Vanya was dancing along to the music as Lizzie quietly laughed with joy. But she was soon to join along side her.

Look at the way we gotta hide what we're doin'
'Cause what would they say
If they ever knew
And so we're

     Lizzie grabbed Vanya's hand and spun her out and back in causing the both of them to laugh happily. Lizzie has never been happier then she was when she saw Vanya laughing happily.

Running just as fast as we can, holding on to one another hands
Trying to get away into the night and then you put your arms around me
And we tumble to the ground and then you say
I think we're alone now,
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now,
The beating of our hearts is the only sound
I think we're alone now,
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now,
The beating of our hearts is the only sound

     Blue lights and the sound of thunder abruptly stop the music.

      Soon enough everyone's outside.

     "What is it?" Vanya yelled over the sound of the wind.

     "Don't get to close!" Allison yelled back. Maybe Lizzie was wrong and Allison did care for Vanya.

ballet dancer 〈VIKTOR HARGREEVES〉Where stories live. Discover now