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Tori’s POV

It’s the day before christmas. A lot has happened in the last 2 ½ months. Me and Beck bought a house and set up the nursrey! We can’t wait to meet our little girl. I havent been feeling good and Ive been haveing a few contractions the past few days, so me and Beck decided not to go anywhere for christmas and just stay home.

Beck: Morning babe, how are you feeling?

I stode up and felt a sharp pain in my side and the feeling of something dropping in my stomach.

Tori: Awww!
Beck: Are you having another one babe?

I shook my head yes. Beck placed my hands behind his neck so that I was holding on to him. He placed his hands on the sides of my bump as I swayed back and forth as the pain grew stronger.

Beck: Deep breaths babe
Tori: Awwwww, it really hurts
Beck: Do you want to go to the hospital?

Yes, I cried as the pain got worse. Once the pain had ended Beck wrote the time and everything down and we headed to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital and checked in a nurse came in and got me all set up. The doctor came in and checked to see how far along I was, she examined me and said that I was 5cms. She told me and Beck that it would be good for me to get up and walk to help with contractions.

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