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What was he talking about I thought, lock him up? I shook my head, confused, but that's what he did to me-

''Ciel dear, where is Cayden?'' Mother asked.

''He's in the house'' I replied.

She rushes inside the house. I exhaled and return to the backyard.

A blonde girl came over to me. ''Hi I'm Allison'' She introduced.

I could care less. I gave her a fake smile and excuse myself. ''Sorry my mother needs my help''

After everyone left. I returned to my room, seeing a present on by bed. I Read the tag.

From Mother.

I smiled and unwrap it, it was an invitation from one of the most famous writers. Klemike Lawson, it's an event he's holding for his new book. I was smiling so hard. I have to thank her. I retrieved Dad's present unwrapping it, it's Klemike's new book limited edition.  I sent Dad a text, thanking him. I left my room, knocking on my Mother's door.

''Mother?'' I said loud.

''Come in dear''

I entered, the room, giving her a hug, ''Thanks so much for the present Mother, I truly appreciate it'' I replied.

''Your welcome dear'' She replied hugging me.

I pulled back and told her goodnight, I went back to my own room, after passing Cayden's room. I stopped, I was gonna knock on his door but thought against it. He probably don't want to see me. I took out the birthday card I bought for him and slid it under his door, return back my room and went to bed.

The next morning, Cayden left before me. I has breakfast with my mother as he brought up marriage. I almost choked on my tea.

''Mother'' exclaimed.

''What I'm not getting any younger Ciel'' She replied, ''Don't you think Helena and you would make a beautiful couple'' She said smiling.

''I don't like Helena like that mother'' I replied, wiping my mouth

''What happened? you used to have the biggest crush on her?'' My mom asked, sipping her tea.

''She likes Cayden mother'' I replied, ''Not me, now I have to go I have to finish my assignments'' I replied. Jonathan brought my jacket and my bag.

I gave my mother a kiss on the cheek and said my goodbyes. I didn't even know where I was driving to, I ended up at the spot I normally drop Akira off. I saw a tall black boy. Should I ask him where she lives, I thought. I gathered all my confidence and approach him. I locked the car door and walked towards him. ''Um hey uh- do you know where Akira Johnson lives?'' I asked.

''What's it to you white boy?'' He replied, looking at me.

''Um- she's m-my friend'' I replied.

''Where you know her from? She one of yo client?'' He asked, pulling out a cigarette looking stick.

''Client?'' I mumbled to myself.

''So, which is it?'' He asked once more.

''Never mind'' I replied, I turned around about to leave. I stopped in my tracks. I really wanted to see her.

''She's my friend we go to the same school'' I said to him.

''Ohhh so you one of them rich folks from Harvard huh?'' He replied. ''I'll show you were she lives''. He replied.

''Thank you'' I replied.

He walked to my car I frowned in confusion is he gonna rob me I thought. ''I'm not gonna rob you Bruh, if I wanted to rob you, I'd do it the moment you were sitting in your car. Also, I'd advice you not to drive that in here'' He replied.

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