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I watched as she breathe heavily her chest heaving up and down with her legs spread wide, its almost as if she's inviting me in. I bent down spreading her legs wider, looking at her wet crotch I separated her labia and lay my tongue flatly on her crotch giving her one lick, she whimpered and squirmed.  I began licking her crotch as I would an ice cream, I sucked on her now engorged swollen clit. She gripped onto my hair tightly I winced but didn't stop I continued sucking on her clit. Her moans encouraged me even more. I want her to cum again I loved it. It please me to watch her face in pleasure. I want to be the only one to see such beautiful face when she's in pleasure. I gripped tightly on her thighs when she tried pulling away. I stuck my tongue inside her hole that's when she lapped her thighs around my head. I pushed her thighs open back and started fucking her with my tongue. Her legs began shaking, I looked up at her, she was squirming in pleasure her mouth slightly open her tiny soft pants, my name leaving her mouth. It was beautiful.

She's mine I thought as I thrust my tongue inside her. Wiggling my tongue around inside her in a circular motion. She gripped tighter onto my hair.

''C-cum Ciel'' She managed to let out.

I squeezed her thighs gently, reassuring her, cum in my mouth I thought. I need to taste her again. I continued eating her out, then she came in my mouth, I swallowed and licked my lips.

She sat up and kissed me, she pulled down my pants. ''You sure'' I asked, I- I don't know'' I stuttered.

She nodded slightly, ''Don't worry we don't have to go all the way now'' She said between kisses.

I helped her pulled down my pants she straddled me pulling out my erection. I looked away putting my face on her shoulder. I knew my face was red. She started pumping up and down my erection. I grunted softly. It felt good, her small hands wrapped around my erection. She kept at it for a good 5 minute I felt myself cummed on her hand when she started rubbing my tip with her thumb while pumping up and down. She pushed me back and went on all four and took me in her mouth. I tried to push her back.

''Akira you don't have- mmh'' I grunted

''Shh and enjoy it'' She pulled my manhood out of her mouth with a plop. She then insert it inside her mouth once more and began sucking on the tip. I bit down on my lower lip muffing my groans. I lost it when she pushed my erection to the back of her throat. I felt it, I was close. I tried pushing her back, but she held onto my thighs and began sucking she pause with my erection at the back of her throat for a couple seconds then got up for air and back to sucking on the tip, then deep throating my dick once more. I felt my erection exploded in her mouth.

I sat up quickly, 'I'm sorry'' I apologised.

She swallowed and shook her head, ''Its okay'' she replied, ''That was a lot''

She straddled me with my erection rubbing on her crotch. ''What are you doing?'' I asked.

''Shh'' She whispered and started grinding on my erection. That shut me up I grabbed onto her small waist as she started grinding on me, her wet crotch on my dick, was euphoria I wasn't inside her, yet this felt so good imagine when I-. I blushed to myself, then she pressed her hips to mine and started moving her hips in a circular motion then up and down motion. Her moans mixed with my grunts was the only sound in the room.

''Ciel'' she moans as she pulled back from my lips laying her head on my shoulder. I held her closer to me tightening my arms around her waist. She don't know what she do to me. I'll make her mine I thought. I moved her body with the motion.

''You gonna cum?'' I asked bluntly.

She nodded on my shoulder, ''Words baby girl'' I said, surprising myself.

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