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Akira POV

I woke up with a gasp, my face drenched in sweat, my heart pounding hard. The same dream again. I haven't had it in a while why now. I thought as I sat up looking to my right. Ciel. He was fast asleep I gently caressed his face, running my hand to his hair gently playing with a strand. That dream, more like a nightmare.

''Please don't do this'' I screamed, loudly at the four men standing over me. The main one standing in the corner looking at me. I pleaded with him. I tried fighting them off, but that only resulted in a slap in my face. I bit down on my lower lip, hard as my cheek swelled with pain. I couldn't do anything. These men were gonna rape me and I couldn't do anything I tried fighting as hard as I could until I got tired and just laid there, as they have their way with me. I looked at the main one in the corner with my tears stained cheek. Why would you do this to me I thought.

''Akira'' Ciel voiced brought me back to reality.

''Morning'' I replied, forcing a smile.

''What's wrong?'' He asked as he sat up and pulled me towards his chest, that's when my body jerked uncontrollably the tears just streamed down my cheek. I that dark memory. I hated the men who took advantage I hated the one person who I thought I trust. I cried in his chest for a while. He just held onto too me as I cried, kissing me on the head and murmuring ''I'm here'' In my ears.

I pulled back and threw the blanket over my head and curled up in a ball, he pulled the blanket off me. ''You wanna talk about it?'' He ask, ''Was it a bad dream?''

I didn't reply, after a couple minute I broke the silence. '' You know why I hate relationships, the reason why I didn't want to get in one with you.'' I started.

''I was in a relationship couple years ago I was about 15 or 16. Remember the guy Darren.'' I swallowed, clenching my trembling fist.

Ciel took my hand in his and rubbed on my wrist, softly. ''Its okay go on'' He said.

''He. H-He. I trusted him. He let his friends'' I let out as I looked away, the tears filling my eyes. I looked up hoping to not let any more tears spill out.

''He let his friends rape me, while he watched, I tried to fight Ciel I promise I really did'' I cried out. ''but they were too strong they were stronger than me I tried crying for help, but no one came. He watched as they took turns, he let them. He betrayed my trust he- '' I hiccupped. ''He's the reason I hate relationships, he's the reason why I have trust issues.

''Why didn't you tell- '' Ciel said

''Tell somebody? Report him? I cut him off, as I laughed humourlessly. ''No one would care and the people who would he'd kill them. He threatened me he said he'll kill Aunt Judy and Nia'' I said, biting down on my lower lip as I rock back and forth. Years after every time I try opening up to someone, every time I try dating someone, he'd beat them up or scare them off, which is another reason why I don't do relationships.''

I looked at Ciel and a stray tear was in his eyes, his jaw was clenched tightly, and his hand clenched in a fist. He pulled me towards him and hugged me apologizing over and over in my ear.

''I'm so sorry that happened to you, no one deserved that no one. I apologize to all woman who have been humiliated by men like me,'' He apologized over and over holding me tight.

I drew closer to him I gripped onto him, pressing my face into his chest as I let out my tears.

Ciel POV

As she cried in my arms, it hurt my heart, it hurt me to the core. I hate seeing her like this. I held onto her as she cried int my chest.

'' I promise you'll never suffer again.'' I said to her as I kiss her on the head.

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