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''Ciel?'' She replied softly.

''The one and only'' I replied and smiled at her, gripping onto her back tightly, so she don't fall.

''I-I'' She stuttered.

''When I saw you at my brother's I should have knew this was the line of work, you're involved in, but I guess I didn't think too much of it and it's okay I'm not, no I won't judge you I'm sure you had your reasons, why you do what you do, as you would say 'I wont stop your bag' '' I replied.

She leaned closer to me, pushing her face into the nape of my neck, I leaned closer to her and place a kiss on her head.

''Thanks'' She murmured.

''Akira?'' I called out.

''Hmm?'' She replied.

''Not because I'm not angry with you, doesn't change the fact that I'm slightly annoyed, you're wearing such revealing clothing for others to see, it piss me off, I want you to myself, your face, your body, your heart, your soul, your entirely being, I don't want to share you with others'' I murmured. ''Is that atrocious?'' I questioned.

''Nhm'' she murmured hugging me tighter, then she pulled back shaking her head, ''No'' she replied.

''Can we leave?'' I ask.

'' I still have to work for a few more hours'' She said, getting off my lap, but I grip onto her waist tighter holding her in place.

I bit on my lower lip, I place her on the seat and got up, I shrug off my jacket throwing it on her lap, ''Put that on I'll be right back'' I murmured.

''Wait what? Where are you going?'' She asked as she put on the jacket.

''Just stay put'' I replied, I exited the room, walking to the Manager's office, outside stood a woman, with her breast on display I looked away.

''Hey handsome'' she said, as she walked towards me.

Damn I mentally cursed, ''Excuse me'' I said as I went to walk around her, but she pushed her breast towards me, throwing herself on me, I rolled my eyes in annoyance. ''Listen here you little cunt get the fuck away from me I don't want you, you're insignificant, now move'' I spat out calmly while looking in her eyes. I walked away from her and entered the manager's office, after giving him a $2000 and telling him Akira wont be returning I left his office and returned back to Akira where she was asleep on the L shaped sofa. I touched her gently shaking her as I tried waking her up.

''Kira, come one wake up we're going home'' I said without thought. Home I said. I smile, doesn't sound too bad.

''Hm? Ciel'' She murmured in her sleep.

I exhaled and attempted to pick her up, after I failed, I decided to place her on my back, holding onto her legs, securing her safely, so she don't fall, I wrap her arms around my neck, she nuzzled against my neck, her soft breathe on my neck, made my manhood twitch but I ignored it. Not the time Ciel.

After we left the building I set her down in the backseat strap on the seatbelt onto her. And got in the driver's seat. When we reached the apartment, I set her down on my bed. I gently rubbed her cheek. I place a kiss on her lips and climbed into bed with her. She must have been exhausted.

''Don't worry Kira you don't have to work there anymore'' I murmured, sleepily as I pulled her towards me, resting her head on my chest I held on to her tightly. ''I'll never let you go'' I murmured sleepily.

Akira POV

The next morning I woke up I felt around for my phone, with no luck I groaned and got up out of bed, mind you I was still half asleep, I rubbed my eyes as I yawned, I pause when I heard a soft snoring, I looked beside me, Ciel was asleep, he had his arms wrapped around my waist. I didn't want to wake him, so I pry his arms from round my waist which took a while. I picked up my phone from the nightstand seeing a miss call and a text message from my aunt.

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