chapter 3 ;; rampaging flames

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     "That's a lovely name." He said.
     "Thank you.." You paused, "And.. I'm not very sure what your name is either."
     "Oh, it's Rengoku Kyojuro," He replied.
     "I think it suits you," You smiled.
     "Thank you!" He beamed.
     "What are you two doing just hiding there?" A rough voice came from behind you.
     "Ah, Sanemi! About time," He stood up, smiling at the other taller male.
     "Why don't we just chop this demon's head off already?" He placed his hand on the handle of his blade.    
     "I suppose we can now, but shouldn't we wait for somebody else as well? It's an upper moon," He said. You stood up and slightly cowered behind Kyojuro.
     "What is this girl doing here?" He glanced at you.
     "She's my friend," He claimed, "We've met a couple times in situations like this."
     "She'll just be a burden. Why don't we use her as bait?"
     "We don't need bait to get the demon. Plus, I  don't think you would want your friends to be murdered brutally," He still smiled at Sanemi.
     "His name is... Sanemi.." You thought, "He's a total jerk!" You shook at the thought of the demon murdering you.
     Kyojuro noticed you were shaking, "Don't worry. I won't let you get used as bait any day," He looked back at you, smiling, "You're my friend after all."
     "Thank you," You slightly smiled back.
     "Fine, we won't use her as bait, but how are we supposed to find this demon?"
     "Well, you could slit your arm like you did with that other demon. Nezuko was her name..?" He pondered.
     Sanemi clenched his teeth, "Don't test me!" He grabbed his blade and slit his forearm, the crimson colored blood collected and slowly dripped down onto the dirt from the weight.
     "Stay close," Kyojuro told you. His soft yet cheerful voice calmed you slightly. You nodded in response and moved closer to him.
     "Are you sure this will even work?"
     "It's worth a try." And soon enough, there seemed to be footsteps from behind the three of you. Kyojuro swiftly turned around and immediately pulled out his blade along with Sanemi. Nothing. There was nothing there. But before you knew it, all 3 of you were hearing footsteps from every direction, "It's more than one. Maybe it isn't an upper moon after all?"
     "That's so rare, demons almost never work together, plus, such a huge group would be... impossible."
     "Maybe this is an extra rare occasion," He smiled at Sanemi. There were demons everywhere. "This will be fun," He grinned the whole time as he swiftly cut off 3 demons' heads without using any breathing technique, "They're pretty weak,"
     You sighed, maybe you wouldn't be in as much danger as you thought. However, you felt somebody grab you from behind and yank you away from Kyojuro, covering your mouth so you could not alert them, but Kyojuro didn't feel the warmth of somebody next to him, he turned around in an instant. "Y/n!" He panicked, immediately going after whatever had grabbed you.
     "I told you she would just be a burden!" An annoyed Sanemi yelled after Kyojuro.
     "I can't just let her die at the hands of a demon!" He continued chasing, before a swift movement of his blade cut of the demon's head. He watched as the demon's head collapsed, it's body following. You were passed out.
     "Huh? All of the demons are gone now!" Sanemi looked around, "It was probably making duplicates of itself, but in reality we didn't even need to cut all of their heads off.." Sanemi looked even more annoyed than before. "How disappointing.. Now, what to do with her? I have no idea where her home is, and we can't just leave her here." He turned towards Kyojuro, "Aren't you her friend? You should know."
     "As I've said, we have only met a few times. I suppose the best thing I could do is let her rest at my home. It is nearby, anyways." He picked you up and began jumping from roof to roof of the buildings that lined the streets, "Cya!" He waved at Sanemi.

                                      Morning. . .

       You shielded the sun that shone through the curtains of an unfamiliar room with your arm, "Huh...?" You quickly sat up, "Where am I?!" You quickly zipped your head around, examining it. You jumped out of your futon and slid open the door, revealing a long hallway, "What the hell?" You ran out of the hallway and into the courtyard that was in the middle of the hallway that surrounded it. "Kyo....juro?" You saw the familiar flame haori and golden-red locks.
     Kyojuro turned around. "Y/n! I'm glad you're alright," He stood up and walked to you. "You probably shouldn't be standing, here, sit down," He placed his hand onto your shoulder and lowered you down onto a large, flat rock. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
     "I'm fine. What happened last night?"
     "Well, while we were fighting all of those demons, you were taken by one of them. I had to go and save you, but by the time I did, you already passed out," He explained.
     After the realization hit you, you yelled, "Oh, crap! My mom is probably going to be so mad at me, I've got to go. I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble!" You began running out of the courtyard, no shoes at all.
     "Y/n! Wait!" He ran after you.

    The End

Author's note: now that school is over for two weeks (winter break) I can definitely guarantee daily uploads. maybe even a couple a day sometimes :)) hope yu enjoyed !!

p.s. sorry for the cliffhangers

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