Chapter 3

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Once I get to the front of the classroom I plug my phone into the speaker and answer the call.

"Yoo! Little J" I hear Tana call out through the phone, honestly surprised she is awake considering the night we had.

"How are you awake!" I say momentarily forgetting the circumstances I was answering her call under.

"Says you Karma, I heard you got home at 4am and the whole Kardashian/Jenner Tribe was ready to bust your ass." she says laughing, completely unaware of the situation her call has put me in.

"Yes that did happen, they said it was a mini 'intervention'. You know I'm at school right Tana." I tell her.

"Hahahah school." She laughs before continuing.

"You coming tonight? I got more of that hard shit... and new people for you too fuck! Someone told me you had a threesome last night is that true?" She says all before I can answer she replies "I want an invite next time okay! Also I'm bringing Eilish tonight so you better be there she's on a break from tour and we are going to go harddd!" She says

"Okay I will be their!" I shout to her before she has the time to spread anymore of my personal life to my large english class.

"Bye Tana!" I yelp before I quickly end the call.

"Are you happy Ms Partypooper?" I chime whilst heading back to my seat.

"Ummm... okay class let's get back to the work, before we have anymore distractions." she says gesturing for me too sit back down.

"Wait! did you actually have a threesome?" Someone calls out before I am fully seated.

I rolled my eyes "Not last night but I definitely fucked someone." I say before I am saved by the bell.


I sigh even thinking about what just happened. I walk to the on campus cafe we have [another private school perk] to go and get a coffee as I haven't had my morning dose of caffeine yet. Once I'm at the front of the line I order a large iced almond milk latte and move to wait for the drink.

I opened my phone to do my morning twitter update whilst I wait for my name.

I opened my phone to do my morning twitter update whilst I wait for my name

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(pretend it's not paul lol)

"Karma!" I hear my named called but the barista. I go to the counter and collect my drink not before thanking the workers.

I quickly thank God that I only have one class left and that it actually happens to be a class I enjoy. Textiles.

So I am not in any shape or form a designer but I do really enjoy expressing myself through my work and clothing designs and work. The thing I love most about textiles is how physical all my work is. I either have a pencil in my hand or I am setting up or using the sewing machine.

The overall best thing is my teacher, she just lets me put in my airpods and do my work. She doesn't make a big deal if my phone goes off or if I have to be excused as she understands me and how I can't always control the things that are thrown at me in life.

My recent work is focused on the Met Gala, I know my mother would never allow me to wear my own work on the carpet but I could only ever dream that my work would one day end up on a runway at a major event like fashion week or an event like the Met Gala.

Time always goes so quickly in this class but I'm not angry that my school day is now over. The only good thing about being a senior is that I don't really have regular full school days and most of the time I would only ever have one - three, hour-long classes a day.

I hear my baby purr to life and ride home to get ready for what I can only assume is going to be a huge on camera conversation about my 'partying habits' and then a night full of fun.


As I park my bike I grab my bag and head inside, I take a deep breath as I can already see that the cameras are rolling and my mother is about to talk to me.

"Hi Mommy," I say giving her a kiss on the cheek as I walk in and place my bag down. "And Khloe..." I say suspiciously as I also give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"We need to talk." They say in sync pointing to the couch, where the camera crew are waiting for us.

I walk over and ask "Mom and Khloe what is this about?"

"Were worried Little J." Khloe says sincerely as her eyes get glossy.

"I don't know why you guys are so worried." I tell them blankly.

"Honey we think you have a problem, we're all honestly surprised that you aren't failing your classes and your grades aren't that bad." Khloe says with a pitiful look on her face.

"Just because I'm not like any of my sisters doesn't mean I have a problem. Okay guys, I always pass my classes and I am here if I am ever really needed so I can't see whats wrong." I say roughly as I start to get frustrated.

"We just wanted to let you know we are all here for you, okay? And also the family is coming over for dinner tonight, I know it's strange on a wednesday night but everyone happened to be in town so they are coming over. You don't have to be here but we would love you to be here." My mother tells me.

"I already made plans tonight and to be honest with you I will probably be home late but I love you both and I'm sorry for worrying everyone." I say looking down at my feet due to embarassment.

I get up from my seat and give mom and khloe a hug before I make my way to the kitchen to have a quick lunch seeing it is only 12:30pm.

I grab a glass of lemon water and make myself a superfood salad that will fill me up and keep me looking amazing. I eat it as I scroll through my phone and go through my social media for business and personal topics.

Once I have finished my food I make my way upstairs to firstly do my homework and study and then have a nap considering I had plenty of time before the party would be starting which was around 10pm and I had to get ready.

I pull out my books and start working. I hate the fact that my family never sees the effort I put in, like, okay the rest of my family is out their doing crazy shit but can someone just give me credit for getting mostly A's and B's in my report card and partying every night like I work hard.


"Mommy! What time is everyone coming over?" I scream from my room as I look at my phone and see that it is 6pm now and I assume everyone will be coming over soon.

"If you want to talk to me Karma come to my office, I don't want to yell across the house." She replies, causing me to groan and roll out of bed from my nap.

"OKAY! I'M COMING!" I yell with a smirk on my face knowing i'm bothering mom.

Once I get to her office she says "They should be coming over anytime now also they are all bringing the kids so could you get out the toys?"

"Okay." I say as the buzzer happens to ring signifying someone is at the door. "I'll get it." I tell her skipping down the hall now that I am in a better mood from my nap.

"Wow, did you all come in a mini bus or like plan to get here at the exact same time?" I say opening the door to all my sisters who are with their kids and even Kayne, Scott, Travis and surprisingly even Kenny (who usually isn't here for these things).

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