[8] Hanzo Pt. 2

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Requested by: xXDeadDoll44Xx

Genre: Smut

Theme: Yandere hell

Will contain: Forced orgasms, overstimulation, slapping, rape

Notes: Part 2 of the Hanzo x reader

Word count: 2540

Note: Sorry if this is crappy. My shoulder hurts from swimming for 8 hours with my friends. But I hope you enjoy!


The domain you trapped in was utter hell. Forced to comply to the demonic human's needs and wants. Little to no comfort for your very skin, nor your mind. The past weeks, maybe months even was nothing but brutal. Chained to a bed, fucked every hour until you couldn't cum, and forced to swallow the sticky bitter seed of the man. A so called 'hero' Hanzo was. He couldn't care for your wellbeing, not even once. And forced to stay in an abandon building in fear did not once help your crumbling sanity.

The chains rattled as you weakly pulled against them, your gaze sticking to the crack surface of the stone cold floor. You were in nothing, your body bare for anyone to see your bruised, broken form. Your hope for someone to save you was diminishing. Hell, someone might not even realize you're even alive. You left nothing behind except for your tattered clothes. That could have meant something, but you could only hope someone took it as a sign that you were alive. And that you needed to be saved.

"You better behave, woman.." The demonic being growled beneath his mask, his soulless eyes staring into your slowly dulling ones. How on Earth could you even misbehave? You were chained for fucks sake! You couldn't do anything about the damn chains even if you wanted to. Not giving an answer, you jerked your head from his gaze, something you constantly do whenever he would leave. Why should you show kindness and respect to someone who not only raped you for experimentation, but also kidnapped you.

A growl escaped his throat at your actions. How dare you treat him in such a way? Making him seem like a goddamn fool. Turning on his heels, he walked out of the building, closing the door with a 'SLAM' behind him. You listened to his footsteps, trying your hardest to ensure he was far from the door before you struggled. You tugged and squirmed against the chains that kept you down. That kept you from fighting back. Your wrists were raw from your night worth of squirming around while he went on a trek to murder people.

A yell escaped your lips, the frustration you were holding back finally bubbling to the surface of your mind. You couldn't escape, no matter what you did. You were forced to stay here, eat such horrid food and do nothing but get abused and raped over and over. The chains trembled with your arms, the strength you once had when you were brought to this horrid place had long disappeared. You felt so helpless. Laying your head back against the wall of the room, tears poured down your cheeks.

Sobs began to rack your body, the pain from your wrists traveling throughout your arms and nerves. It began to throb so damn much, it was nearly hard to bare. The light from your eyes had already began to leave along with the hope. Maybe someone was trying to find you, that's why Hanzo was always leaving the home when you're 'asleep'. Just the very thought in sent your rage spiraling past your defeated form. How DARE he!?

Adrenaline from the rage immediately caused the pain to dull, and your strength to come back. Wrapping your hand around what you could around the chain, you quickly began to tug and pull the chains as harshly as you could. Debris from the wall began to fall at your actions, the base of the chain slowly getting yanked from the very wall it was hammered into.

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