Chapter 1

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It's been 2 years since Edward and the Cullens left. I can still feel the pain in my chest whenever I thought of them. Especially him, Edward. But I learned to realize that he really is gone. The person who taught me how to love unconditionally. I will never forget Edward even if he already forgotten me. His crooked smile, those dazzling golden eyes and luscious lips. I was proud to say through all the heartache I felt that he was once mine. That he once fell in love with me.

I got up early in the morning to make breakfast. Jacob and the pack along with Billy, Sue and Emily are dropping by to bid me goodbye. I can't believe I'm going to college. I am not that happy about it because it means I have to leave Forks. But then again I can make a fresh new chapter of my life where their will be no more complications. New faces and New experiences. What could be worst than that? I shuddered at the thought.

I hurried to the kitchen to make pancakes and bacons. The Quileute practically eat anything that's edible. I hummed to myself while preparing the food. I should make atleast 20 pancakes and bacons. So there won't be any shortage of food. I heard a knock on the door just in time as I finished the last batch of pancakes. I got the door and saw all the Quileute on my porch.

"Hey Jake! Good to see you" I hugged him. "Come on in guys, breakfast is ready."

"So Bella it's just Jake that's good to see?" Leah smirked. The pack laughed at what Leah said.

I blushed."Ofcourse all of you are good to see." I smiled.

They all went to the kitchen to see what meal I had prepared for them. Quil and Embry was always excited whenever they visit me here because of all the foods I lay out for them. It was nice to know that it's not just Charlie who appreciates my cooking.

"Bella where's Charlie?" asked Billy.

That made me think. I haven't seen Charlie since I woke up. Maybe he's still sleeping.

"Oh yeah, wait I'll see if he's upstairs. Help yourselves to the food."

I excused myself and went upstairs to see if Dad was there. I knocked on his door but he's not answering, that's odd. Where could he be? I waited for a few seconds just in case he comes out. No luck. I decided to go downstairs and tell Billy he might be outside somewhere.

When I got downstairs everyone yelled. "SURPRISE!"

Charlie was their holding a pink wrapped gift box. I was shocked. I think I have a huge grin on my face right now. Smiling at them. I can't believe this.

"Wha..What? is this?" I stuttered 

Everyone was laughing now they could see that my reaction was priceless.

"A going away party for you darling Bella." said Emily who is mimicking my huge grin.

"We are so going to miss you!" Quil and Embry said at the same time.

We all chuckled.

"Well here Bells, a little going away present for you." Charlie said handing me the gift.

I smiled at them "Gee thanks dad, you shouldn't have."

"It's from all of us a little keepsake for you up there in Alaska." said Sue.

It was so heartwarming they all bothered to surprise me with a gift. They don't know just their presence is enough for me. I opened the gift and sa a blue thick woolen trench coat with a matching scarf. It was so beautiful. I immediately thought of Alice. She would be so proud that my fashion sense would be hightened.  I shuddered at that thought. Remembering one of them is not good for me right now so I immediately erased that thought.

"It's so beautiful!" then I quickly hug Charlie tightly.

"Your welcome, Bells. Glad you like it." Charlie said hugging me back.

Someone made a coughing noise and because of that I let charlie go and they all laughed.

"Bella I think you need to finish packing or else you'll miss your flight." Jacob said.

"Right, okay. I'm going to finish packing now." I turned to Jacob. "Jake I'm going to need your help."

He nodded and followed me upstairs. The pack started making kissing sounds as we make our way upstairs. We just laughed because they were all acting childish. I faintly heared Charlie saying "Cut it out."

"Bella, I...I'm going to miss you" Jacob said stuttering.

"Oh Jake, I'll miss you too. More than you ever know."

And by that, Jake came up to me and hugged me tightly. I was surprised by this action of his even though we often hug each other. This was a different kind of hug, I realized that I am really leaving him and everything I love here in Forks. So I hugged him back.

"You're going to visit me right?" I asked.

"Try and stop me." he chuckled.

He helped me finish packing. In total I had 2 suitcases and a back pack. I didn't know I had this many stuff. I left the ones which is not suitable for the weather in alaska. I won't be needing them there.

We went downstairs, Jacob holding all my stuff with his wolfy strength. I bid goodbye to others who will be staying behind like Sue, Billy, Emily, Sam, Paul and Jared.

It was a long drive but it was worth it. I still got the chance to talk to my friends. Leah and Seth had grown on me. They made me feel a part of the pack when I first came to realization that they werewolves. Quil and Embry also became my best buds thanks to Jacob. His the mastermind behind the kindness of the pack towards me and also the fact that they enjoyed my clumsiness.

When we got to the airport we said our goodbye's again. A lot of hug here and there. Charlie lectured me again about being safe and telling me to call for updates whenever I can. And the last goodbye was from my dearest  bestfriend.

"Bells, I'm gonna miss you. You have to call or email me. Be safe and always know that I love you." he said teary eyed.

"Oh jake, I'm gonna miss you too. I'll be fine don't you worry. And I love you too."

As soon as those words came out of my mouth, Jacob grabbed me and kissed me. I don't know what to do this is so unexpected he was my bestfriend and yet I feel more for him than I should have so I kissed him back tangling my hands around his neck. He pulled me closer making a tight grip around my waist. I knew the others where shocked because I heard all of them making a gasping sound. But I didn't care I would miss Jacob so much and so this is the only way I know would make me feel that where ever I go he will always be with me. Jacob pulled away chuckling and then kissed my lips for the last time.

"Time for your flight Bella." he said still chuckling. "I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" I said and turned my back to board my flight.

I was escorted to my seat. I took out my Wuthering Heights book and started reading it. I can't stop thinking about Jacob. The kiss it was like an epic scene from a movie. I never thought it would happen to me. Does this mean we are together now? Is he my boyfriend? I shuddered at that thought.

No Bella! I thought to myself. He is just my best friend. And besides I'm not yet ready for that. I may realized that Edward doesn't love me anymore but that doesn't mean I'm eager enough to replace him. I don't want to make hasty decisions based only on one event. What if it was only impluses? Maybe I was just too caught up in the moment and so is he.

I can still think about this another time. I have a lot of time for that ahead of me.

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