Part 2

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After some time.

Annika, Shivaay, mohit & Nancy goes out to a park.

M : I m feeling thirsty
N : mee too
M : come let's drink juice

M : Shivaay & Annika, want juice?
S & A : no
M : ok
M : come Nancy, let's go and drink juice.

Mohit & Nancy went to a juice shop to drink juice.
Shivaay & Annika sat on a bench.

Shivaay was looking at his mobile.

A : Shivaay, are u angry with me?
Sh : ** keeps his phone inside his pocket**
: no, why should I be angry with u my jaan?
A : cz u are not talking with me
Sh : sorry sorry, I kept my phone away. Let's talk.

A little kid threw a heart shaped balloon. It falls on them.

A : heart shaped balloon?
Little kid : aunty aunty, can I have that balloon please?
A : suree.
Annika gives the balloon to the little boy.

Little boy : thank u aunty & uncle.
Annika & shivaay smiles.

The boy goes and plays with his friends.

Shivaay thinks : what will happen if we had a cute little girl as our daughter?

Annika thinks : wish we had a cute kid.

Few minutes later.
Sh : Annika.
A : hmm
Sh : I bought something for u.
A : what?

He takes out a bracelet from his pocket.

A : Chand bracelet??
Sh : hmm
A : isn't this the bracelet which I saw in that magazine?
Sh : yes.
A : aww, thank u soo much my Pati dev. I Love you soo much.
Sh : love u too.

Sh : I will help u to put the bracelet.

He helps her to put the bracelet.
After putting the bracelet, they hug each other.
He caressed her hair and gave kisses on head.
Anika smiled and she faints.

Shivaay felt heaviness on his chest. Mohit & Nancy came that time. Nancy felt uncomfortable when she saw Annika & shivaay hugging.

Sh : (whispers) jaan, mohit came. Enough of hugging.
Annika didn't hear anything.
Sh : (whispers) Annika my jaan, get up. Look mohit came.
A : **no reaction**

Shivaay broke the hug. He realized that Annika was unconscious. He became worried.

Sh : Annika, wake up.
He called her continously but no answer.

Sh : mohit, waterrr.
M : okk

Mohit brings water bottle from the car.

Shivaay splashes water on annika. Still she didn't wake up.

M : Shivaay, let's take her to a hospital.
Sh : ha

Shivaay carries Annika, and makes her sit inside the car.

M : Shivaay, I will drive the car. U sit with Annika on back seat.
Sh : okk
Shivaay gives car keys to mohit.

Shivaay sits in the car. He makes Annika rest on his lap.

Sh : Annika please wake up. For me, please.
Annika moves her hand.

A : My.. Head... Is.. Sp.. Spinning.

He caress her head.

Sh : don't worry jaan. We will reach the hospital soon.

They reach the hospital.
Shivaay carries Annika and makes her lay on a stretcher. She was taken to a ward room.

Precap : what happened to Annika??

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