Part 4

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Shivaay helps Annika to wear the seat belt. Mohit & Nancy sits on the back seat.

Shivaay drives the car with slow speed.
Annika gets bored.

A : seriously Shivaay? Drive the car faster.
Sh : no, it's not good for our baby.
A : I will feel sleepy now if u drive slowly.
Sh : sleep, I will call u when we reach OM.
Annika became angry and she slept.

After sometime, they reached OM.

Sh : Annika, wake up. We reached.

Annika wakes and yawns.

While removing the key of the car, Shivaay saw Annika wearing high heels.

Shivaay bends and touches her feet.

A : Shivaay, what are you doing??
Sh : removing your footwear.
A : why?
Sh : you are wearing high heels. It's really bad for our baby.
A : then how will I walk?
Sh : don't worry, your Pati dev is here with you right. I will carry you.
A : kyaa?? No, people will notice us.
Sh : let they notice us. After all we are married.
A : but....

Shivaay gets out of the car, he opens the door near annika. He carry her inside OM.

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