Intro -
Tanner stood on the hill. He was thinking - something had happened and as he was not in control as he normally was, he was nervous and confused. What was happening to him? What was causing this? He was thinking all of these questions as his copper coloured hair waved in the wind, his eyes roughly the same colour, blazing like a bonfire. You see, Tanner was not your ordinary buff teenager - not at all. Of course, all of the girls wanted him, why wouldn't they? But there was something about him, something mysterious, something that kept him that bit apart from the rest of the jock guys. No-one knew what it was, because he never let anyone get close enough to him to find out what it was exactly, but people got the impression that it wasn't something pleasant, and so they let him alone. He narrows his eyes in conclusion, and turns on his heel. The bushes rustle, and a figure emerges from the bushes behind him. He wasn't to know it, but this figure was to be his fire in Hell, the darkness to his light - the humility to his triumph.
"So, um, Leah, um, I was just wondering... would you come to prom with me? Like, you know only if you want to -" Matt was such a bore, Leah thought. She deserved better than this. But, if I went out with someone reasonably buff, Dad would go mad and 'disapprove' - heaven forbid. So, she was stuck with the dork that was Matthew Hopkins. Leah's father was a strong traditionalist, and he was constantly lecturing Leah about the dangers of under-age sex. What he didn't know, was that Leah's older sister, Abi, had lied through her teeth for the past few years, just so that could go out with her current, long term boyfriend, a goth called Tom.
"Sure, Matt - I'm looking forward to it!" replied Leah, who was slightly disappointed that he had not spotted the sarcasm in her voice. What a shame. She walked slowly back to her locker, where her best friend Bekki was waiting for her - and she rolled her eyes - had she been watching? No - she just knew her so well. They had been mates since kindergarten, and knew each other inside-out. Their parents were mates, their big sisters were mates (they fell out recently - something about Abi shutting Jez out since she got with Tom) and so it was only natural that they had been mates, held together through bad boyfriends, hot boyfriends, bad grades, inexplicably good grades and every nook and cranny in between by some strange, invisible bond.
"So..." Bekki had a glint in her eye that suggested that she knew exactly what had just happened.
"Don't so me!" I reply mock-angrily. Bekki giggles mischievously, and I walk away, making my way to her car in the parking lot.