•Special Chapter: Lait's Birthday•

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Yinyu rolled his eyes before yeeting his phone onto his bed. "Ugh fine." He growled. "Yay~!" Maria's voice on his phone speaker cheered, "I know I can count on you Yinyin~!" "Yourself, Gaela and others better get everything ready before I bring my stupid sister back." Yinyu threatened, "or else I'm going to be pissed." A moment of silence before Maria spoke up. "Don't be like that or I'll seduce you." Yinyu pulled a face.

"Shut up Maria you ugly. You better make Lait's Birthday great."
".......*sniffles* A-Am I ugly?!"
"Yes you are now shut up and start organising my sister's Birthday or something."
"........Oh so you do care about Lait~!"
"N-No I don't! Shut up!"

Before the quirky German detective can tease Yinyu even more, he quickly scrambled to his bed where his phone's at and hung up. He moaned in frustration as he took off his glasses and buried his face into his fluffy pillow. Yinyu recalled the plan Maria just told him before sighing. "Well then, I better book a flight to London." Yinyu murmured, "after all, it's my sister's birthday tomorrow and it's a special day that cannot be missed.... I'll call Otto, Casper and Aisuki to tell them about the plan I guess..."


Yinyu tried to blink the exhaustion away but the empty beds in Maria, Lait and Gaela's dorm never looked so tempting. Recalling the plan Maria told him, Yinyu immediately leaped into action as soon as he saw his sister walking out of the bathroom in her casual clothes with her night gown in her arms. "Hey you stupid daft cow come with me," Yinyu said impatiently, "let's go outside and explore. I just came from Iceland after all and I want to see the Big Ben or something."

Lait proceeded to yawn before flopping onto her bed, sticking her tongue out at her little brother. "Sucks to be you I have assignments to do. You can go wonder around with your friends or something oh yeah I forgot you don't have friends." Lait commented, "not that it matters since your Queen's English is pretty good." Maria, whose been reading a battered looking book (Yinyu think she's pretending to read or something), burst out laughing. Yinyu irked.

"I went to catch a flight to London at four in the morning and the moment I set foot here, this is the treatment I get?! You're so stupid I hate you!" Before Yinyu can say any more things, he paused, remembering it's his sister's Birthday today (Maria changed Lait's phone and laptop's date to yesterday. Hopefully Lait won't realise. But then again she's such an airhead she probably won't ever realise). "Hey Maria doesn't this eejit need to go outside and take a breather?" Yinyu asked, turning to Maria.

"Awww is Yinyin concerned about his biggie sis?" Maria cooed, "you're so adorable!" Yinyu scowled before blushing in embarrassment from Maria's teasing as Lait grinned idiotically at him. "Awwwww I'm a good sister amirite Yinyin?" She asked. "nO YOU'RE N—" "Hey Lait, Yin, let's go to the London Eye." "What—"

The dormitory door suddenly clicked open and Casper with Aisuki and Otto following close behind, strolled in. Yinyu and Maria shared disturbed looks. "Oh hey guys," Lait greeted as if it's a normal occurrence, "hows life?"

"Let's go outside together Lait." Casper said, ignoring Lait's question, "after all we need to prepare you for the 'Big Kid World'." "What don't we go to a local theme park with Yin?" Otto smiled, "we can go and have some fun and ste— I mean, play at some stalls?" "It's okay to loosen up sometimes, Lait." Aisuki stated, "I will help you with your assignments when we come back." Lait narrowed her eyes questioningly.

"Yinyu just came back from Iceland after all. Let's have some fun together....... As a family." Casper reasoned. Finally, Lait gave in. "Alright alright, let's go." She smiled, "I wonder if Mister Henry Roberts is here with us?" "Of course, he's watching over us after all. Let's go." Casper said before giving Maria a peace sign. "We'll be abducting Lait for the rest of the day. You better do some work Maria." Maria grinned and nodded. "Come on Yinny-boi!" Lait exclaimed as she slung an arm around the taller sibling, "let's go~!"

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