Chapter 40

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A week had passed and Brian arrived at the Dal Headquarters. It was a good place; the high-rise building was clearly a symbol of authority and power that reached for the skies. Brian stood outside of the large building and his dark blue eyes fixated ahead of him, observing the building and taking mental notes.

Aisuki, Adrienne, Lydie and Ma171 stood there alongside Brian, all in their evening dresses. Brian was in a plain black suit (he would wear his specially tailored suits for special occasions with specific dress codes but some of his suits had gone missing. Brian couldn't help but to agree with Akamai; he should shop for more suits soon).

"Well then, let's go," Lydie said, "we are going to infiltrate the HQ laboratory, Mr. Bing Dal's bedroom and steal stuff. Aisuki, Brian, I believe you two have your own things to do as well." Brian and Aisuki shared a look and nodded. "As planned, I'll stick with Brian. Lydie and Maili can stick together. Aisuki, you are very capable. Would you like to accompany Lydie and Maili?" Adrienne asked, giving Aisuki a indescribable look. It made Brian confused. Adrienne was always straightforward with how she feel about a person albeit the look she gave Aisuki was strange.

"No thank you. I work solo," Aisuki said coldly, "I will go into the Laboratory to see what materials I can get my hands on. I am strong and capable. I can carry them. I will show you all how it's done." Aisuki pointed at Brian, ice bye eyes fixated on him, "especially you." "I see. Maili and I can steal stuff in Bing Dal's bedroom then. As for Brian, go and do what you intend to. Thank you Aisuki," Lydie said with a small smile, "I would love to get some data on catalysts and body modification being given Otto's body had been modified. It'll be great for you to help carry heavier materials, thank you Aisuki." Aisuki simply hmphed.

"Let's go already!" Ma171 said excitedly, "let's do our best together!" With that, the quintet headed into the Dal Headquarters. Heading inside, Brian and others were immediately greeted with guards and staffs pacing around, checking people's identities and names on clipboards. A secretary with the name tag 'Millie' headed straight towards the group with a security guard trailing behind her. "Hello and welcome! May I have your IDs?" She asked, smiling.

Lydie and Adrienne handed out their IDs without hesitation along with Brian, Ma171 and Aisuki's fake IDs. The young secretary scanned through the ID before widening her eyes and stared at Adrienne and Lydie, gaping at the two ladies. "Mistress Le Blank and Miss Wang! Apologies, it took me a while to recognise you two. It's an honour to meet you!" She gasped.

Adrienne rolled her eyes. "Move aside. I have CEOs to negotiate with and business inquiries to make," Adrienne said harshly, "commoners like you should move aside." "I can't wait to see what Dal invented," Lydie grinned, "Dal have my praise!" The security guard behind the secretary gave Brian, Ma171 and Aisuki a suspicious look. "Who are they?" He grunted.

"This is Brian Speller, my bodyguard and chauffeur. Do you have a problem with him?" Adrienne asked, giving the guard a cold stare. Brian gazed at the guard and gave him a small nod. "And this is Winter Robinson and Maili Qi, my assistants," Lydie introduced. The security guard hesitated before finally moving aside to let them go inside. They split up into smaller groups to get their job done.


After wondering around chattering, talking and criticising with ladies and gents, Adrienne Le Blank finally came up with an excuse to leave the grand hall. Adrienne and Brian found a chance to be alone in order to carry out their plan.

The French-Scottish redhead and the German-English blonde definitely didn't blend in with the rest of the guests. They earned looks from too many people all at once thus making it difficult to move around. Adrienne need to assist Brian to get information on something confidential before going to the laboratory downstairs to assist Aisuki. When Adrienne asked Brian about the confidential material they need to look for, he wouldn't say a word about who or what he was needs.

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