Chapter 3

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 Lisa arrived at her place later that night to find Jisoo scowling at her computer, hunched over the couch like a vulture.

"Jisoo, what are you doing?" Lisa asked. Her bag flew to the corner as she hopped onto the couch beside her. The computer screen showed a map of something, and the bright red dot indicated the location of a hospital named West Valley.

"You're still pent up on that?"

"They called me, Lisa. They want me to go there."

Lisa leaned in closer and studied the map. "To Washington? What the fuck?"

"I can't believe this shit is happening." Jisoo groaned, flopping her head down into her hands. "This is officially the worst hangover ever."

"What even is going on? You're not married. Are you?"

Jisoo groaned again. "Apparently I am."

"To who?"

"To some woman named Ruby Jane Kwon." Jisoo grumbled. "What kind of a name is Ruby Jane, anyway?"

"She sounds like a prissy rich bitch." Lisa offered. "You'd never marry someone like that, not unless someone was threatening you at gun point."

Jisoo sighed. "I'm going to be a divorcee before I turn 25. I can't believe this. My mom is going to have a field day with this. I can just imagine the Thanksgiving dinner discussion. 'Tell me again, Jisoo, about the time you got married and didn't even invite me and divorced her before I got to even meet her?'"

"Are you sure you want to divorce her? What if she's like, super hot?"

"I can't even remember marrying her. For all I know, it's just some legal mistake." Jisoo grumbled. "And I don't care if she's the hottest woman in the universe. I'm not the marrying type."

"That's just what people say so others don't think they have a chance at a long shot with you." Lisa interjected. "There's no way knowing you're not the marrying type."

"I can't even take care of myself, Lisa," Jisoo whined. "How am I supposed to live my life with someone else?"

"You make delicious eggs."

"I'm going to have to fly over across the country to get a divorce. This is just great."

"But if she's rich, you might get money."

To that, Jisoo's eyes lit up. "That is a fair point."

"That's the spirit. You go be a gold-digging badass, Princess." Lisa chuckled, nudging Jisoo's side. "Now I have a very important question to ask of you. Are you ready?"


"Are you moving in?"

Jisoo nodded. "I called my landlord today. I have to pay him this and last week's rent and then I'm free to live wherever I want. Even in this dump."

"So welcome to the dump, then." Lisa said ceremoniously. "Would you rather celebrate with Chinese or pizza?"

Jisoo thought for a moment. "Both."

"Both it is."


"Okay, so when do you think you married her?"

"When could I have?" Jisoo replied. "I haven't had any significant memory losses lately, have I?"

Lisa laughed. "No, you haven't. Unless you count the blackout from last night. And last week. And last month." She thought again, and waved her slice of pizza at Jisoo. "Actually, I'm surprised your brain isn't any more smashed than it is. You don't treat it very well."

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