Chapter 51

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Lisa was woken around ten to the ring of the doorbell. She groaned, not wanting to get up, not wanting to remember what day it was, but the doorbell rang a second time, and she heard Jisoo's voice through the door.

"Get up, you asshole, it's Valentine's day and there's a delivery for you."

Lisa grumbled as she climbed out of bed and padded across her apartment to the door, yanking it open with an annoyed look on her face. "Don't remind me what day it is."

Jisoo offered her an apologetic smile. "Here. From Chaeyoung."

She handed Lisa a case of beer and a paper bag, onto which there was a note written in Chaeyoung's handwriting – do not open till Valentines day (Lisa I mean it)

Lisa took the bag and looked at Jisoo in confusion. "Uh...thanks?"

Jisoo reached over and wrapped her arms around Lisa for a careful hug. "I know this sucks for you."

"It does."

"But she'll be back in like two weeks."

"I know," Lisa sighed. "I'll be fine."

"But you miss her."


"Hang in there, okay? And don't drink all the beers at once."

Lisa smirked. "Fine, Mom, I'll leave one for tomorrow."


"Don't worry, I have no intentions of drinking my sorrows away. I'll do what every other pining woman does and indulge in innocuous amounts of ice cream and chocolate."

Jisoo laughed. "Fair enough. Jennie'll be at work from about midday onwards, so if you feel lonely or anything, feel free to come over. We could watch a movie or something."

"Ok. We'll see, I hope Chaeyoung will have time to call."

"She will, Lisa. If she doesn't call, I'll go to Chad myself and kick her ass."

"She'd kick your ass if you tried."

"Then she better call."

And with that, Jisoo headed back to her apartment, where she was sure Jennie would be more than ready for round two. Lisa hadn't had to ask about how her Valentines day had gone – the hickeys on Jisoo's neck and the overall aura of sheer joy had answered the question before it'd even popped into her mind.

"Damn lovebirds," Lisa grumbled as she headed to the couch. She wasn't really mad at Jisoo, or particularly jealous – if anything, she was glad that Jisoo and Jennie had each other for Valentines day and that they were having a good time, but the fact remained that Lisa wasn't having a good day.

She hadn't really been having a good week, or two weeks to be honest. Without Chaeyoung to pester and annoy and kiss, she felt lonely and bored and empty. For the first time in her life, she hated that her bed was empty in the mornings, she hated that she didn't have Chaeyoung to kiss her goodnight, she hated that she didn't have Chaeyoung there - it just sucked so gloriously that she hated it all.

She was wearing Chaeyoung's shirt, which still smelled faintly of her, comforting and warm and just faintly sharp – the shirt was a little big for Lisa, but that only made her feel cute. She sat down onto the couch after having set the beers into the fridge, and looked at the paper bag.

Lisa was a little disappointed in herself for not getting Chaeyoung anything. But then again, she hadn't really thought about Valentines day until after Chaeyoung had left, and by the time she'd remembered, it would've been too late to mail anything.

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