Let me play!

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Today's the big day, the day we're to play Royal Academy.  I was dressed in my soccer gear and was walking up towards the pitch to warm up when coach stopped me. "y/n your not supposed to be playing."

I scowled at him and sighed. "What would you know coach, your never at our training sessions and your never interacting with any of your players. Yes I'm injured but I need to play in order for our team to have any chance of scoring."

I turned and saw that one of the rest of the team had witnessed my ordeal with the coach. Suddenly our attention was diverted as Royal Academy arrived at the pitch. I watched as the team walked out in a formal manor in pairs with their Captain Jude Sharpe at the front by himself.

Mark ran to greet them and I stayed where I was sitting at the edge of the field. Mark came over to me as the rest of the team joined us as we watched Royal 'warm up'. Heck it was more like showing off.

They took a shot at Mark and before I could react he just managed to stop himself from being blown back by the shot. Just as they were ready to play go into the field Jack then ran to the bathroom and I sighed. "What now Evan's, even with him you only have ten players as your dear sister is injured and not allowed to play."

"Mark! Willy says he'll play!" Silvia shouted as she was running towards us with Willy following behind. "Hes not very athletic is he?" I heard one of the boys say and I sighed "He's falling behind already and Silvia isn't even as fit as the majority of us. I could still do better then him and I'm injured" I mumbled under my breath but Kevin seemed to have heard me as he ended up laughing at my annoyance.


I was sat on the sidelines as the match finally started. I was sitting beside Silvia and Ceilia whom I learned was a journalist and alongside our so called coach. We were joined by some dude in glasses who we soon learned to call Chester who was our commentator for the game.

I zoned out of their conversation until Celia was beside me asking how I felt about not being able to play our first match. I sighed before answering "The coach won't let me play as my physiotherapist says it's not strong enough to handle the pressure. However, I may just have to go on if a player gets injured and I'll increase our chances of scoring." "That's amazing your not even on the field and you've still got a burning desire to score for the team!"

I watched as Jude walked away handing the kickoff to us and walking away. I suppose he didn't need to worry about conceding a goal with our team as I heard Joseph King was one of the best keepers in the country. I have been watching them from years, since we were in the orphanage together and he got adopted into the Sharpe family for football and business reasons.

I got excited as I saw Draginfly running down the pitch with the ball at his feet. He was able to dodge a defender while he was at it. I watched as he took a shot but as I predicted King blocked it. This is the moment the trouble started. Raimon tried their hardest to keep possession and to score but it just wasn't happening. I suppose that's what happens when you add players in last minute.

Finally half time came along and all the guys were shattered and sweating. I glanced over at Royal who were just lounging around not even in a sweat. Before we knew it they were all back on the field. I was in shock as I watched  Jude and other members of Royal lay assault after assault on Mark and any other players who tried to get in their way.

"God damn it coach, put me on. Half our team can't stand but at least I am! You don't even care about the team so why care about my injuries!" I shouted. I noticed Timmy laying motionless on the ground. "Mark take him off! Someone fill his place I'm going upfront!" I yelled out as I changed into my soccer boots.

Timmy was helped of by an exhausted Kevin and exhausted Mark. I stepped onto the field with my head held high. Royal took kick off and immediately began to take down the team one by one. I was on my hands and knees panting as I tried to control the pain I was feeling for trying to cover the fallen players.  I watched as Mark took shot after shot to the face.

I force myself up and intercepted the ball turning in the air and taking off down the field. Defenders tried to stop me but I slipped past putting the ball over their heads. I lined up the goal and   yelled "Devils Wave" as I took a shot with a giant wave of blue fire blew King to the back of the net, gainingus a solid goal.

I knew however that he wouldn't let it in a second time if he had the chance. I collapsed to the ground exhausted as I pulled myself back to my side of the pitch. I forced myself up and tried to stand as Royal took kick off once again. I staggered as I made my way back to help Mark but by this point the pain was getting worse.

They scored again and Mark was on the floor struggling to get up. I heard Chester commentating "Who's left to take Raimons kick of but Willy Glass." I crawled my way over to the centre as Willy shouted "I don't wanna be a star anymore" and ran off the pitch. This infuriated me that he turned tail and ran.

My mood didn't improve when Jude started mocking Mark saying the game was over pretty much. I forced myself up once again hardly putting weight on my injured foot. "I'm still standing, we'll play short a player if we need to!" I shouted through gritted teeth.

Mark then raised his head up to face me "That's right, it's not over yet, not until the fat lady sings!" I limped over to Mark helping him up. I then heard Chester get excited about something and I looked up to see Axel walk on the field. I smirked as I got a sense of Deja Vou.

Jude passed as he walked to his own side after accepting the substitution. "I still care about you n/n, stop forcing yourself to play." My eyes widened but I shook my head. Axel then came beside me for Royals kick off he looked at me and we both nodded at the same time. History was about to be replayed in more ways than one.

The whistle blew and we took off down the field. I was limping slightly but I pushed on. Chester was questioning if we were fleeing the field to but that wasn't the case. I watched amazed as Mark done his very first move and stopped his first shot from Royal since we started playing.

He then threw it to Axel who immediately kicked it into the air and done fire tornado and kicked it back down to me who followed with devils wave. Together we shouted "Flaming Wave!" Which was the same as Devils wave but the flames were now red and burned more than before.

The shot went in and we celebrated with a high five like we were back in elementary school again. "I hate that we done that with you injured, but it felt good to play with you again." He said and I smiled knowing he was the same Axel deep down.

We were bought back to reality as we heard "Royal Academy have just withdrawn from the game, that means Raimon win!" We made our way over to Mark with my arm over Axels shoulder for support. Axel moved my arm briefly as he took the strip off and handed it back to Mark.

"That's as much as I'll do for you." Was all he said as he helped me to limp my way over to the car park where an ambulance was waiting for me. Axel got in the back with me as we both went to hospital.

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