Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to amy

My index finger is poised steady over the Enter button on my keyboard, but I pause before pressing it to read over the last few phrases of my post. As I hit Enter with force, I let out a long sighed "and done!" few words before slouching back into my chair. Another blog post up, another chance to make my voice heard about social impact projects in a world busy with consumerism and bottom lines. I sit back for a moment, enjoying the small victories of committing to my hobby of journaling before I head off to work.

What a life it would be if I could spend more time reading, writing, and connecting with people. That's the best use of time, sharing your perspective, your story, your imagination with others. Disconnecting through storytelling. With a few spare minutes to finish off breakfast and head out the door, I can technology news. Having been born and raised in the small but tech-savvy town of Waterloo, I follow tech innovation news more than news on politics. My work experience reflects my town, with time spent on marketing initiatives for a software company in Waterloo, to digitizing sales campaigns for fashion firms in New York City or analyzing traffic inflows for the second largest environmental news site in the world. It's my passion for what I read, what I write, and where I work. It's fast-paced, innovative, and risk-taking.

While taking the last few peanut-butter-covered bites of my toast, I see another headline about Wattpad. A name I keep seeing in the news, one I've heard about, and for certain one I would hear about again very soon.

Watt's Next? [the story that got me a job at Wattpad]Where stories live. Discover now