Chapter 1

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*back before Steven, Pearl and Volleyball went into that pearl place*

Pink Pearl (or Volleyball) was waiting in a queue to see Steven, who had powers to fix anything wrong with you body, from scars to cracked gems.

Volleyball was hoping that a cracked eye from Pink Diamond would be somewhere in between scars and cracked gems. Maybe just before cracked gems?

As an Famethyst walked out, Steven called "Next!" And Volleyball stepped in. (She was already called Volleyball as Steven had named her that two days ago)

"Oh, hi Volleyball! What's wrong?" Steven asked her, as she sat down on the chair.
"My eye. Can you fix it? If you can I'll be more great full then ever!" She replied. Steven looked at the eye then titled his head. "Hmm.. That is some crack.." he mumbled, as a smaller crack appeared going towards her nose.

"And it's getting worse. Well, you came to the right place!" Steven exclaimed, as he licked his hand. Volleyball looked at him in disgust. "Erm.. yeah.. medication is gross! But don't worry your eye will be back to normal.." he explained, as he wiped his spit onto Volleyball's gem.

Nothing happened.

"Huh? That's.. weird.. maybe I have to put it on the target?" Steven asked himself in confusion. He licked his hand once again then placed it onto Volleyball's eye.

Again, nothing happened.

"Did you fix it?" Asked Volleyball. Steven titled his head again "eeyyy.. not quite.. have my powers run out?" He panicked, as he picked a leaf from a plant. He then licked that same hand again then placed it where that leaf once was. When he did, lots of small yet beautiful flowers grew out.

"Hmm.. definitely not me.."
"Hey Steven! How's the doctor thing going?" A familiar voice interrupted. Steven turned around to see Garnet at the stairs. "Oh! Hey Garnet. D'ya think you can help me and Volleyball?" He asked, as Garnet made her way down the stairs.
"Who? Oh! Pink Pearl?" She asked, as she got down all the stairs and gave Steven a big hug.

Steven giggles then Garnet let go. "What's the problem?" The fusion asked. Steven sighed. "Her eye. My healing powers can't fix it," He explained. Garnet hummed then bent down to Steven's height and had a look at the eye.

"Yeah that sure it bad.. hey, I'll go get Pearl and Amethyst to see if they can help, ok?" Garnet planned, as she went towards the door, putting her mask on.

Garnet slammed the door shut then went down to the camp where Pearl, Amethyst and Connie were. Doing something.

"No! Not Pearl! She's horrible to me!" Volleyball wailed. Steven gave her a confused look "Wait.. what..? No she's not!" He disagreed. Volleyball stood up then rushed to the stairs. "Yes she is! She hates me! I know she does!" She explained, whilst rushing upstairs.

"Wooah! Come back!" Steven demanded, as he rushed upstairs and followed Volleyball.

When the Crystal Gems (disregarding Steven) made it back, Volleyball and Steven we're nowhere to be seen.

"Huh. Never mind Volleyball's eyes Steven's gonna missing!" Amethyst joked.
"Amethyst!" Pearl yelled, whilst staring at the purple gem.

"Volleyball! Don't touch tha-" Before Steven could finish there was a crash.
"Oops! Why was it on the wall though?"
"That's called having scenery!"

The CG's listened to Steven and Volleyball's argument for a bit, before Pearl rushed off upstairs "Volleyball!" She yelled again, in the same accent as she said 'Amethyst'

Dun dun duun..

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