Chapter the Twentieth

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Unlike her fall into the River Silver, Vivica descended into Mirror Lake's depths with a swiftness that left her dizzy. Whatever had its grip on her wrist was pulling her down with avid determination. She could sense land—and freedom—growing further with each passing second. From above, Mirror Lake had been a glass surface, merely reflecting the faces that looked down upon it. Below, its waters were dark and murky, stinging Vivica's eyes as she struggled to keep them peeled open.

Vivica thrashed her legs, hoping that movement would slow the thing that held her captive. At the same time, she brought her free hand forwards and felt around her trapped wrist. Her fingers brushed against something covered in algae. It was twined around her lower arm several times; some kind of vine, come alive.

Her nails dug into the fleshy outside of the plant in an attempt to gouge it into pieces and free herself. As she worked, tiny bubbles of air escaped from her lips and rushed off. She was running out of time, and she knew she couldn't expect Cayden to dive in and save her. 

Pieces of the vine broke off and she could feel herself slowing down. Perhaps the plant was alive and could feel pain; perhaps they had almost reached their destination. But Vivica was almost stationary in the water, and she didn't plan on advancing anymore. With a hard tug of her upper body, she managed to free her wrist from the plant's clutches. Her freedom came at a cost. The sharp movement drove out any oxygen remaining in her lungs. She knew that the stakes had been raised.

Twisting, she kicked her legs and propelled herself back the way she had come. She wouldn't let this be like when she had fallen into the River Silver. Vivica knew which way she had to swim. Though she had little time before the lack of oxygen forced her brain into shutdown, motivation was pushing her into first gear. 

The vines had not given up, though. While she fought to return to the surface, she felt the thick tendrils wrapping around her midsection and begin to squeeze, tighter and tighter. She continued to kick, but made no progress.

Her lungs screamed. Vivica attempted to saw into the vines with her nails once more. Her eyelids dropped shut once, twice. Her fingers were too clumsy to cling to the deadly plant. The next time she shut her eyes, they didn't open again.

                                                       ➳     ➳     ➳

"Where are you going?"

Vivica flipped onto her side and gasped for air. She was shocked to find her body laying on solid ground, opposed to being caught in the dark tomb of Mirror Lake's waters. She spread out her hand. The floor she lay on was strewn with rushes, much like her home. Oddly, even as she brushed against the plant stems, they were not displaced.

She sat up. Her clothing was dry, too. Throwing a wild-eyed look around, she realized that she was not in a place like her home, but very precisely in her home, by the hearth in the kitchen. She recognized the dining table her father had carved as well as the matching set of chairs. Vivica even recognized one of James' shirts hanging over the head chair.

"How did that even. . . ?" Ignoring the peculiarity of the entire situation, Vivica rose to put the shirt away. After James' death, the two sisters had converted most of his clothing into other outfits. Other things they had sold to the villagers. They didn't have the money to covet items, but perhaps Naleena had kept the garment as a reminder. Vivica swiped at the shirt, but her hand passed through the cloth. "What in the name of Valentia. . ."

"I said, where are you going?"

Vivica's eyes flashed and she backed into one corner of the small kitchen. This couldn't be possible. . .

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